🌸] Tongue Tied

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Big Hc of mine that might not make a lot of sense: Kojiro knows everything about flirting and pulling ladies because when he was in highschool Kaoru was the one who taught him everything. Oh and he realized he wasn't so straight anymore.


No no no no no

This was definitely not happening right now. He couldn't. That's weird. Suddenly catching feelings for your best friend? Yeah, that's not normal, Kojiro.

Well it wasn't just suddenly catching feelings.. but still. That's not normal idiot. He only started to get ladies because of his stupid feelings for Kaoru. He didn't want to accept them.

"Helloooo? Kojiro?" A young, pink haired boy with multiple piercings and a messy hair flip, waved his hand in front of his friends face. "If you didn't want to practice flirting you could've just said so dude."

"What- h..huh? Oh no! Sorry Kaoru i uh..I was thinking of some ideas." He lied, scratching the back of his neck. He was definitely thinking of..something.

Kaoru noticed Kojiro trying to get with some girls every now and then. He managed to pull a few some how but he really needed some practice. So there they are, standing in the middle of a skatepark. Their boards in a corner against a wall, their bags next to them. The sun was slowly setting so it started to get much cooler.

" 'Kay, What are you planning on doing to me tonight~"

"Don't say it like that idiot. I swear, you're always teasing." Kojiro sighed, trying to calm himself from the panic he was feeling. "I don't know. What should I do? You're the one who said I needed 'desperate help' "

Kaoru thought for a moment. "Those pick up line books that your buddies gave you won't help. You better not have actually used some."

"I- uh well-"

"No. I don't want to know." He pushed the green haired boys face away, "I don't know. Just try flirting. Don't be afraid to get touchy."

"I hate you so much." Kojiro sighed, moving his friends hand from his face. "Touchy huh?" He mumbled as he looked at Kaorus hand still in his grip.

Kojiro got a sudden boost of confidence and pinned the hand against a wall, pushing Kaoru up next to it. It took a second for him to make eye contact and realized what he had done and panic struck him again.

"That was good, Jiro. But be a little more gentle with the ladies." Kaoru dusted off the back of his shirt and moved some hair away from his shoulder. He was acting like nothing had happened just now while Kojiro is having a panic attack.

"Y..yeah I'll do that."

"Okay try something else. When flirting you should compliment appearances or try a pick up line. The main important thing you should remember: It's all about delivery." Kaoru grabbed a water bottle from his bag, taking a sip and handing it over to Kojiro. "Got it?"

"Yeah. I got it." Kojiro had to get serious. He can't be playing around. He swallowed down his nerves..and water, and tried his best.

"Delivery, okay..um.." he looked at his best friend in front of him. There was so much he could compliment. Pick up line it is.

Kojiro took a deep breath and thought of a way he could deliver his line. All he had were cringy little lines from his stupid books he actually read.

"Cat got your tongue, Jiro?"

Kojiro rolled his eyes, tipping Kaorus chin up and getting close to his face, his hand was leaning against the wall they were at before. Butterflies started to form in his stomach. He was so close.

"Hey Kaoru, I seem to have lost my phone number."

"Oh yeah?"

"Can I have yours?"

That was stupid. Kojiro pulled his hands away and ran one through his hair. "Damn. This is hard, and dumb."

"You're doing good Jiro. Almost pulled me~" Kaoru teased, crossing his arms and leaning his foot against the wall. "Yeah right, shut up." Kojiro took another few sips from the water bottle.

Kaoru snickered childishly, covering his mouth a little. "Indirect kiss." He continued to tease the green haired boy of to the side. "KAORU! SHUT UP."

"Make me Kojiro. Cmon, show me what you've learned so far."

"I'd rather not.." his heart started to thump again, so loud he could hear his blood rushing to his ears.

"Lameee" Kaoru sighed, snatching the water bottle from Kojiros hand and taking a long sip. Teasing his friends was his favorite pass time.

"Why are you helping me anyways, don't you have better things to do Kaoru? Like get more piercings or something."

"Oh shut it. You're the one who pierced most of these anyways. So if anything I'd still be going to you." Kaoru pointed out, shoving his bottle back into his bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"I'm helping you because you need it dude."

"Really? Or is it something else?"

"Like what? Is there something you want to hear?"

"W-wha? No. Tch- you're ridiculous."

"You want to hear me say I like you. Don't you Kojiro?" Butterflies started to violently swarm inside Kojiro. What was he supposed to do? Did he figure it out.

"But, alas," Kaoru sighed dramatically. "Kojiro loves ladies. Kaoru could never have a chance." He smirked a little, placing the back of his hands on his forehead.

"Okay, nobody said that.." Kojiro muttered quietly, not enough for Kaoru to not hear tho.

"Oh? So you're bi? That's cool bro." Kaoru grabbed his board, leaning one of his feet on it.


"Didn't you learn last time Jiro, you have to make me or I won't~"


sigh they are so cute

Anyways my Matchablossom brain rot continues. I can't stop think about them besties 😩

Stay hydrated! -Kaoru lover

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