🌸] Cooking lessons

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It was early.

Really early for Kojiro. He usually slept in, seeing how he never did breakfast at his restaurant. Well, it was the weekend anyways so that didn't matter.

The reason why Kojiro was waking up so early is from the loss of his husband he would usually be cuddling right now. Oh, and the smell of something burning.

He sat up, threw the covers off of him and made his way to the kitchen, still waking up from a rough nights sleep.

"Kaoru, what are you doing up so early?" It took a second for the man to get used to the brightness of the morning sun. Once he did he had a clear view of his husband in his shirt, wearing a small frown and a messy braid, as he held a pan with burnt pancakes on top. His other hand on his hip, holding the spatula.

Kaoru...Kaoru wasn't good at cooking. He never was.

Kojiro chuckled at how cute his husband looked. The thought of him cooking breakfast was almost as cute. "What are you doing babe?" Kojiro wrapped his arms around his pink haired husbands waist, softly kissing his forehead.

"Trying to cook you breakfast." He admitted with a deeper frown. He failed to cook his beloved a simple breakfast. It wasn't fair. Kojiro was always taking such good care of him and here he was, not being able to cook something so simple.

"You're so fucking cute, I swear-" He lifted his lover into his arms, setting him on top of the counter next to the stove. He took over, grabbing the pan and scraping off the burnt pancakes. "I'll teach you, Kay?" Kojiro smiled, swiping some lose strands of pink hair behind Kaoru's ear. Kaoru nodded, watching his husband shuffle around the kitchen.

He poured the batter onto the sprayed pan and turned the stove top to medium. "That batter is perfect, blossom. You just had the temperature too high and forgot to spray the pan before you started. You also put too much batter, making it longer to cook itself." He explained, multitasking by making eggs off to the side.

Kojiros cooking skills were always so impressive. He was always willing to share his secrets and his talent with others too, which made it so much better. He's watched Kojiro teach Langa how to cook sometimes. It was very thoughtful of him to share his love for cooking with the kids.

Kaoru pushed himself off the counter, shifting himself between the stove and his husband. He clung onto him, wrapping his arms around his waist and burying his face into his chest. "Since when did I marry a Koala?" Kojiro teased, kissing the top of his husbands head and flipped a pancake. Perfectly if he may add.

"Mmn, I'm not as clingy as a Koala."

"You sure, hun? You never let me out of your sight. Especially in the mornings. You constantly text me while I'm at work. Oh and you always ask for me to cuddle you. Also-"

"OKAY— I get the point." Kaoru's ears burned red as he snuggled his face deeper into his husband's chest.

"I won't deny it, I love that side of Kaoru." Kojiro made a few more pancakes, balancing a few more eggs while doing so. Soon enough he was making plates for the both of them.

"Thank you for making breakfast...again." Kaoru took a bite of his food, immediately radiating joy and happiness. Kojiro and his food made him happier than anything.

Kojiro smiled, admiring his husband across his table. He was focusing so much on his features than the food.

"Anything for you my love."





☁︎︎𝕄𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞Where stories live. Discover now