♾🌸] Thunderstorm

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Enjoy another draft from a few days ago- I finally decided to finish it-

We love some good old Renga fluff



Another lightning strike and clap of thunder.

"Langa, hurry up—!"

It was late at night and the boys decided to stay up late playing video games. That was until it started to rain heavily, causing the power to go out as soon as the first flash of light and loud rumble of thunder was seen and heard.

Reki was sitting on Langa's bed, his back against the wall and he held the covers up to his face. He hated storms. The loud overwhelming sound of continuous thunder along with the random bright flashes, it all made the redhead tremble.

"I'm coming, Reki." Langa finally appeared in his sight and a wave of relief washed over him.
"The back-up isn't working..and my mom can't get home in a storm like this."

Well there goes his relief and comfort.

Langa sat at the edge of the bed, plopping his back down on the comfy mattress and covers with a sigh. He glanced over at his terrified friend, smiling a little after another loud grumble caused Reki to squeak and hide under the covers.

"Are you scared?"

"W—what?! No, no, no! Me? Scared? Pft- cmon bro. I'm not—" he paused, looking at the hand being offered to him.

His gaze followed up his arm and landed on the smirking face of his best friend. "Ill hold your hand if you get scared." Of course Langa had to tease him with his own words.

Reki huffed and took his hand anyways. "I'm not scared."

"So you just wanted to hold my hand?"

"Shuddup.." he buried his flushed face into the covers.

Langa sat back up, moving next to where Reki was sitting against the wall. The thunder only continued to get louder. Reki found himself moving closer to his friend, clutching onto his arm and burying his face into his shoulder.

"Okay! Okay! I might be a little scared.."

Langa smiled and, with his spare hand, ran his fingers through the thick red hair of his best friend. He touched it often, it was just so soft and fluffy to resist. Reki enjoyed it though. His sisters played with his hair a lot but Langa was way more gentle with it.

"You could've just told me from the start. Arent friends supposed to tell eachother that type of stuff." Langa stole Reki's headband, putting it on himself.

"Hey—! Give it back!" Reki tried grabbing it but it was too late, Langa already had it on. His eyes were adjusted to the lack of light by now and seeing Langa with his head band on- It distracted him from the storm outside for a few seconds. He looked so cute

Cute?! Cute. I did not just call him cute—
Well...come to think of it he is really pretty... GAH WHAT AM I SAYING

"What? Something wrong?" Langa frowned a little, staring at his friends expression. It was a weird mix of confusion and the usual shine in his eyes when he's happy.

"Reki, your face is weird." He laughed a little, taking his headband off and messily putting it back on his redhead friend.

"W-what?! My face isn't weird! Uh..you're-!you're weird!"

"Aw I'm hurt." Langa joked, moving some of Reki's hair out of his face and behind his ear.

The action made Reki flustered for some reason. He really hoped, through the dim light of the moon shining through the window, that Langa couldn't see his blush.

I hate him so much-
Why is he making my stomach feel weird and my heart feel like it's trying to escape- AHHH

"I..I was joking, dummy." Reki crossed his arms, pouting slightly. He kept himself calm for the most part. The mix of being terrified of the storm and overwhelmed by some random feelings he didn't quite understand made it very hard to be chill.

"Pouting? Really?" Another small laugh that made Rekis heart flutter. "Don't make that face, it doesn't suit you." Langa smiled at him, slightly tilting his chin up so he could try and make Reki smile. Reki's smile could lighten up the whole room, Even in pitch darkness.

Reki's face flamed yet again. He was so close. "Lan—ga..?"

They both were caught in each other's gaze, slowly inching closer.

Holy shit, holy shit-
Is he—? Are we about to-

Before Reki was able to find the answer to the question, Langas phone rang. The power came back on as well. Apparently for the couple of seconds, or minutes nobody was keeping track, they were distracted the storm had died down a bit and Nanako was able to drive home.

Reki could've sworn Langa frowned as he grabbed his phone. He looked so disappointed. It was kinda funny.

"Hi Mom," he mumbled slightly, playing with his hoodie strings, slightly trying to hide his pink cheeks with his hair.

Reki hugged himself around a blanket, hiding his own face. "Okay, be safe. Love you, bye."

"Um.." Langa set his phone on his bed after hanging up. "My mom is coming home now.." he stared at the sheets, to embarrassed to look at Reki. Why did he think what he was going to do was okay?

"Oh, I hope she makes it home safe..it's still raining pretty hard." Reki buried himself deeper in the blanket he had wrapped around him.

"Yeah.." Langa replied awkwardly, rubbing his neck. "About-"

"What? You almost kissing me?"

Langa glanced over at Reki, his cheeks flaring up again. How was he able to say something like that so easily.

"So..?" Reki continued. "You gonna commit or what?" He paused, thinking whether or not he should say that next part.

Frick it- I already went this far.

"If you don't, I will."

Langa was still sitting there in disbelief. He was the confident one up until now. Now he was just incredibly nervous.

Reki raised an eyebrow, slightly leaning closer with a small smile. "Eh?" The red head teased, slightly poking his snowy blue haired friends cheek.

"Okay, okay- no poking." Langa swatted his hand away. He returned the smile before cupping his cheeks and hesitantly pressing his lips against Reki's.

They were as soft as he imagined. Not that he imagined kissing them in his day dreams. No, not at all.

Langa felt Reki's hand slightly press on the back of his neck, pulling them into a deeper, sweeter kiss. Reki pulled away first after that.

"Woah—" Reki mumbled to himself, touching his lips. His cheeks were as red as his hair but he quickly dismissed the heat and ignored it. "Bro-" his eyes sparkled as he looked at his best friend.

Langa laughed, pulling Reki's headband down over his face before slightly pecking his lips again. "I don't think 'bros' kiss like that, Reki."

"So..does that make us—"

"Gay, yes."

"NO, STUPID!" It was technically true. "I meant...relationship wise."

"I don't know..would you like to be my boyfriend?"

Reki tackled Langa down, burying his face into the crook his neck.



I watched today's dubbed episode and cried yet again 🥴

It gave me the inspiration to write the rest of this chapter 😩

☁︎︎𝕄𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞Where stories live. Discover now