🌸] Bathtime

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Requested by the wonderful:/softwoonies<3
Thank you so much for the request!! Eee
(I'm not sure if you like being tagged!)


Not only was the hospital the worst, but when he finally escapes the small white room he was trapped in, Kaoru is incredibly exhausted.

He wanted nothing more than to take a nice warm bath, wash his hair, and relax. With his irritating injury he couldn't do much. Damn him.

While Kaoru cursed out Adam under his breath he dialed Kojiros phone. He knew he was closing up 'Sia La Luce', so if he doesn't answer he's probably talking to some girl. That thought only irritated Kaoru more.

"Hey Kaoru, What's up?"

Kojiro answered, holding his phone in one hand while stacking plates with another. It was the last thing he needed to do before he can head home.

"Come home." Kaoru leaned against the kitchen counter, looking through the fridge for something to eat. Sadly, there was nothing. He couldn't open cans and tabs with one hand. He could barely open the fridge.

"I'm almost done here. Why?"

"I need help."

"With? Cmon Kaoru I need more than two or three words."

He heard Kojiros chuckle through the phone and it sent small little butterflies straight to his stomach.

"I want to take a bath. I can't do that in my current condition. I'm asking you to help me...please."

Kaoru asking for something was unusual. Especially adding please at the end. Kojiro couldn't say no. What type of person would he have to be to say no to that.

"I'll be home in Ten. Love you."

"...Love you, stupid."

Kojiro was home in 10 minutes. Not a second to late, in fact he could've been a little earlier. He greeted his loved one with a small kiss and followed him to the bathroom.

"Do you need me to switch out the bandages as well?" Kojiro was careful as he helped Koaru take his shirt off. The bandages and sling he took off just before were worn out and probably wouldn't hold out for much longer.

Kaoru was able to move his arm around just a bit without feeling pain, which was good improvement. "Yes, if you don't mind."

Kojiro smiled and pecked his cheek before starting the bath. "Of course. I'll go get the new bandages you get yourself in the bath."

It took a few seconds of struggling but he managed to get undressed and lay himself in the water. It was the perfect temperature. Kaoru let out a small, relaxed sigh, enjoying the warm water.

Seconds later, Kojiro came in with several bandages and a towel. He set them down in the sink before getting on his knees and grabbing some shampoo. "I'm guessing you needed up with your hair?" He smiled to himself and ran the damp pink hair through his fingers.

"Mhm." Kaoru leaned his head back slightly, enjoying Kojiros gentle touch. This is exactly what he wanted after a long day of crap.

"Thank you," he muttered, looking down at his knees that were pulled up to his chest. "Thank you for helping me...again."

"No need to thank me, Sakura. I'll help you out whenever you need it. I need to repay you somehow."

He swallowed down the furious heat spreading onto his cheeks. "Repay you? I have debt?" Kaoru shifted his gaze from the light blue tile wall to his green haired husband.

He received a soft chuckle and small peck on the nose. "I gotta repay you for dealing with me since Highschool. Somehow..."

Kaoru smiled down at his knees, slightly hiding his face. Everytime he smiled Kojiro would non-stop gush about it. "You're ridiculous."

"I know, but you're the one who said yes." He finished his hair and grabbed his husbands hand, kissing it.

"I guess that's true."

"Can I join you?"

"Of course."



Ah hopefully it was good enough 🙇

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