☁️] Reminisce

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Adam. A devilish man with only desire and bitterness on his mind.

Even back then.

Kaoru and Kojiro's highschool years were spent with the blue haired boy. The boy notoriously known for being the rich kid or getting into trouble and threatening with his huge fortune behind him.

He wasn't the best person to be friends with. It could've been just Kojiro and Kaoru. Childhood friends since kindergarten.

Kojiro was the one who introduce him. Adam. The man responsible for Kaoru's trip to the hospital. The one responsible to being Kaoru's first heartbreak.

Kojiro regretted bringing Adam into their lives. In fact, all he ever needed was Kaoru. But, of course, Adam loved to skateboard. He loved everything about it. From the way the wind brushed against his face all the way down to the deck itself.

He was good at it too.

Unbelievably good.

Kaoru always watched in awe. He admired him for his skills, the talent he had. Hes never seen anyone move the way he did. Its almost like he danced.

That was until everything took a turn.

Adam got bored. He started taking skateboarding to a whole other level of extreme. He went mad, as if nobody could satisfy his hunger.

During that time, Kaoru had a big blow out fight with Kojiro. Sure they had some in the past and always ended up laughing about it later, but this time felt different.

Adam was the reason for their argument.

Kojiro was the last to know about the way Adam was treating Kaoru. Throughout their whole 'relationship', Adam was using Kaoru. Using him to feel something but, just like skating, he wasn't enough to satisfy him. So he tossed him out.

Tossed Kaoru out like he was trash. Saying he wasn't doing enough, being enough, and boy did that scar him.

Kojiro was just trying to help. He was trying to help him realize Adam was being a total asshole.  He was trying to help Kaoru realize he was enough.

But blinded by his fear and anger of all this crashing down on him, told his best friend to 'fuck off.'



Kojiro muttered for the second time, putting a hand on the edge of his shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, worry laced into his expression as his fingers threaded through his husbands hair. It was often that Kaoru would zone out, actually it happened a lot. Too often that Kojiro could almost tell before it happens.

"I'm-- I'm enough right?" Kaoru blinked, his gaze on the rim of his wine glass that was almost empty. He shook his head like he wanted to forget even asking such a question. He knew it was dumb. He regretted it.

Kojiro let a smile tug at the sides of his lips. "Of course, love." He moved a few long strands of hair behind his husbands ears, taking over his glasses and kissing the spot in between his eyebrows. The spot that would always wrinkle when he wore his usual frown.

"In fact, you are more than enough. You are everything and more, Blossom. Okay? And Ill make sure you know every morning and every night."

Kaoru let himself relax, letting his posture sink into the chair as he took another sip of his wine. "God, I love you. Youre still cheesy though."

Kojiro nodded in agreement, letting his chin fall into the palm of his hand. He would usually argue but he was cheesy.

His thoughts wandered again, unlocking doors that he would usually keep shut, but after the accident with Adam he cant help but think back.

Adam hurt so many innocent people. He hurt Kaoru. Thats enough to make his blood boil.

"You...You know that, I'll never hurt you like he did. You know that, right?" His sentence fell out as if he was searching for the right words to piece together a coherent question. When talking about Adam his breath would become uneasy, his hands sweaty and shaky, his mind racing a mile a second.

He hated Adam with every living being in him.

Kaoru let out a sigh. One of comfort and relief. He leaned in just enough to brush his lips agaisnt his significant other's. "I know, Kojiro." His breath tickled Kojiros cheek, the hairs on the back of his neck stood up on its end. "Thank you."

Kojiro gace him a short kiss and grabbed the wine glass from his hand. "That's enough wine, dear." There was a hint of sarcasm in his voice as he took the bottle across from him as well.

"Lets get you home."


A lil' short and sweet matchablossom chapter while I work on a few others I've been putting off for way too long-

Sorry for my inactivity- I usually write on my phone but since it decided it wanted to die on me I have been using my laptop :,D which has a messed up 'A' key-

Anyway ilysm besties <333 Stay hydrated !!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2021 ⏰

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☁︎︎𝕄𝕠𝕤𝕥𝕝𝕪 𝕄𝕒𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕤𝕤𝕠𝕞Where stories live. Discover now