♾🌸] Auto-Pilot

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Okay okay I know I haven't updated for a while and I know this is a 'mostly Matchablossom' book but


Renga 🤲


  For some odd reason, Reki had a point in time where his mind would go 'auto-pilot'.

Langa didn't mind it at all. It was rather cute to see the boy zone out. All the sparkle and flecks of gold that floated around in his honey-amber eyes seemed to disappear. He would become quiet and less...buzzing. More tranquil and calm. Until he called his name.

It was something that made Langas heart flutter to see the excitement and life in his eyes come rising back as a smile, that could easily replace the sun, curled onto his lips.

It was the little things that Reki did that caused Langa to falter and stutter over his words and actions. Whether it was talking with his hands or humming a childish song that he would sing to his sisters, occasionally. Anything, anything that boy did made Langas life just a little brighter.

"No, dude, you're doing it wrong!"

A small brush against his fingers sent a spark coursing through his pale skin as a darker, freckled toned pair of fingers plucked the pin from his hand.

"Like this." Reki hummed as he sat up on his knees to loom over his friend. "I've done this a lot so I'm kinda a professional." A small snicker escaped Reki's lips as he finished pinning back Langas hair.

Langa smiled, not a bubbly or 'loud' smile, a gentle one. One that only Reki got to see from time to time. "Thank you."

Reki gave him a satisfied nodded and turned himself towards the small table that sat in the middle of the carpet in the living room. He went back to facing Langa after grabbing two colors of nail polish and some nail polish remover.

He crossed his legs and sat the remover into his lap, holding the two colors out to his friend. "I'll paint your nails first! Which color?"

The two to choose from were black and a light purple. Two very different colors. Langa took a second to choose and stuck with the black. Reki  smirked deviously, setting the black down in the table. "Purple it is~"

Langa shrugged a little, holding out his hand. "I kinda saw that coming." He replied, soon shutting his mouth as Reki grabbed a hold of his hand and tugged it towards him.

There it was again.

With a few minutes of random chatter and distractions before starting to paint the nails, Reki went into auto pilot mode. On the third painted nail he was focused and determined not to mess up.

Before hand, Langa was watching his nails. The brush slowly putting on a cold layer of lavender. Now, well now his gaze was watching the redhead hunched over his hand, trying his best to stay 'inside the lines'.

With his hair tied back, very cutely he may add, his eyes were fully visible. No crimson red bangs pressed against his forehead, draping over his eyelashes.

His eyes were pretty. Prettier than Amber stones themselves. Prettier than a sunset at the end of a hot summer day.

Everything about the boy was alluring. But his eyes were something he could look at every second of the day.

He longed for a moment where their eyes locked for a little more than just a second, for their faces to brush up against eachother because they were a little too close. It was so damn cheesy and stupid to imagine.

Reki finished the last nail, still zoned out as he took a few second to stare down at his work. He did a good job for the most part. He's had plenty of practice with his little sisters.

Langa felt a few strands of hair fall in front of his face, the pins didn't hold for very long. Maybe because he was tilting his head, just a bit, to get a better look at the redhead.

"Reki?" Langa hummed, slowly pulling his hand away to look at Reki's creation. He almost immediately regretted pulling his hand away. Rekis hands were oddly warm, it could just be Him being a human heater, but as soon as he pulled his hand away his fingers got cold.

Reki blinked for a second before looking back up at Langa with his usual goofy grin on his face. "Sorry dude- kinda spaced out there."

"It's okay." Langa replied, still staring at his nails. Without hesitation he stuck out his other hand. He could care less if he seemed desperate.

Reki caught on and let another small chuckle fall from his lips. "Wait a sec." he closed the purple nail polish before giving it a few good shakes. Within the few seconds he had focused on the teen in front of him he was set back into 'auto-pilot', taking in every faye-like features.

Langa was patient, for the most part. When waiting for food he wasn't so patient, when waiting for Reki to brush up against him ever so often he was most definitely not patient.

So when Reki started to slow the shaking of the small glass bottle of nail polish and lift his hand up from his lap to Langas face, it gave him the feeling he was longing for since the last time a spark went jolting through him.


Rekis fingers brushed Langas cheeks as he tucked some strands of light blue hair behind his friend's ear. Langa was praying he couldn't feel the extreme heat that suffocated him and spilled out onto his cheeks.

His name being called out bounced around in his mind for half a second before he was snapped right back into reality yet again. He realized what he was doing and quickly tore his hand away from Langa's face.

He stuttered out a million apologizes and started to frantically wave his hands around and explain himself. All of his sputtering and stumbling was cute.

Langa took it upon himself to brush some hair behind Reki's ears as payback. "There, now we are even."

Rekis face fumed into a thousands different shades of pinks and reds all in a matter of seconds. "I—I guess we are." He tried his best to gather himself, taking a few deep breathes before grabbing the nail polish and signaling for Langa to give him his hand.

"Let's just forget that ever happened."

"I can't promise anything, Reki."


Okay so like ✨them✨

Bro— I haven't updated this book I'm so long I'm sobbing 🚪🚶

I've had no motivation to write anything 🧍 Brian empty just nothingness 🪦

Ahem anyways I'm in desperate need of ideas so if you can give me some I'll gladly take them along with your hand in marriage 🗣🗣🗣

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