🌸] Morning Cuddles

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"Kojiro close the blinds."

A sleepy, pink haired, male groaned slightly as the sun peeked through the window. It was early morning and the sun was way too bright. Kojiro did as asked and closed the blinds, wrapping his arm back around his lover with a small hum.

It was a lazy morning and all they wanted to do was cuddle. Kaoru had his back up against his husbands bare chest, his fingers were sloppily intertwined with his. Kojiro had his face buried in the soft pink hair of his significant other, their legs tangled together.

"Morning Kaoru."

Kojiros morning voice sent butterflies through Kaorus stomach. It didn't help that his warm, mint breath was tickling the back of his neck. It took a few seconds for him to gather himself and return a small good morning.

Kaoru shifted his body to face his green haired husband. He was way to handsome for his own good. His hair was messy and stuck to all sides of his face, his small little freckles that's dusted his cheeks and shoulders, Kojiro just looked so peaceful.

He was caught staring and earned a small chuckle from Kojiro. "What are you laughing at, stupid gorilla.." he hid his slightly flustered face with his long hair.

Kojiro took a few seconds to admire him too. It was fair after all. Kaorus silky hair draped over his embarrassed expression, his eyes were practically glowing as he glared at his chest. He was so cute when he was embarrassed.

"You." Kojiro admitted, tucking some of Kaorus hair behind his ear and giving his forehead a small kiss. "You're so breathtaking, Kaoru."

The fire spread farther and darker across the sleepy mans face, causing him the throw the sheets over his head. Kojiro let another chuckle slip as he started to sit up. He threw his legs over the bed, grabbing Kaorus glasses and handing them to him.

"I'll go get started on breakfast, Kay?"

Kaoru peeked from the covers and grabbed his glasses, clearing his throat and putting them on. "Okay.." he stretched his arms out, along with his legs.

He watched as his husband walked off into the kitchen and stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes. He was thinking about how lucky he was to have someone like Kojiro.

Yeah, they argue a lot and call each other names but that was all apart of their love language. Kaoru smiled a little, getting up and throwing on some of Kojiros clothing. A large worn out tee and some sweatpants. Usually he wouldnt wear such things. He always stuck to a kimono, but it was a lazy Saturday morning and he wanted to be comfy. Kojiros clothing was huge on him and it made him feel nice.

He checked on Carla before heading to the kitchen. Kojiro was already cooking, his hair up in a cute little ponytail. Kaoru came up behind, shoving his face into his backs and wrapping his arms around Kojiros torso.

"Someone is touchy this morning." The man smiled, looking down at the arms wrapped around him. He heard a small grunt and felt Kaoru shift over to his side, still keeping his grip on him.

The sight of his husband wearing his clothing was almost to cute to handle. "Want me to put your hair up?"

"Yes, please."

Kaoru handed him a hair tie and turned around. The feeling of Kojiro messing around with his hair was a whole different feeling of happiness and comfort. "Is a messy bun okay?"

It was the quickest thing to do, plus it was unbelievably adorable on his husband. "Mhm"
He carefully put his hair up before getting back to cooking for a few seconds.

"Is an omelette okay, baby?"

Kaoru twirled a small loose strand of hair around his finger before pecking Kojiro cheek. "Anything you make is perfect."

Hearing that made Kojiro happy. Cooking was his passion and hearing that from the person he loved most filled him with joy.

"Thank you, Kaoru." He returned the kiss on the cheek with a peck on his lips.

"Youre welcome, Honey."


Please they are so s o f t

I wish I had the artistic talent to draw something like this-

Anyways- crying bc they are so cute 😩

Okay I has to sleep- goodnight besties <3

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