❤️☁️] Him.

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We love some good angsty fluff~

Also I don't censor Adams name :d sorry
It's just hard to keep up with- MSMDMD
If it triggers you than uh- don't read this chapter <3

Enjoy bestiessss

The way Kaoru would look at Adam when he did anything, Skating, talking, existing. It really pissed Kojiro off.

It wasn't exactly his fault for getting mad. Okay maybe it was. He was the one who decided to fall in love with a boy who's already in love with someone. Who, by the way, wasn't him.

"He's good on the board, isnt he Kojiro?"

Kojiro was currently leaning up against the railing at their meet up spot. Kaoru was slightly leaning up against him, resting his head back onto his shoulder. It was break time. He could swear Kaoru was just teasing him. This made his heart all fluttery and for what.

"He's okay, I guess." He mumbled, playing with some loose change in his pocket, he was fidgeting.

Adam was leaning up against a concrete wall with a bunch of markings and ripped posters on it. Most of that was their doing. He was talking on the phone with someone he seemed to be familiar with.

Not like it was any of their business but Adam was so mysterious. He never really told them anything. Just helped them skateboard and hung out with them.

Adam talked to them like they were his paparazzi or something.

Kojiro didn't know what Kaoru saw in the guy.

"What do you mean 'okay'? He's really good." Kaoru looked up at the slightly taller male he was leaning up against.

"If you say so." This time the mumble was an annoyed grumble.

"You don't like Adam, do you? You're always so grumpy when I talk about him." Kaoru frowned, squishing the green haired boys cheeks with his hand. It was swatted away after a few seconds of him teasing. "I never said that."

"Why don't you like Adam?"

"I told you, I never said that I didn't like Adam."

"You never said you did like him ." Kaoru crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow with a small smirk. "Hm?"

Kojiro stared at his friend in front of him. He wasn't just a friend, nor was he a crush. Oh no, he was way farther in love than he should be. "Shuddup." He shifted his gaze somewhere other than Kaoru's (perfect) face.

"I won't. Why don't you like Adam?"



"Don't say my name like that."

"Why? Kojiro~" Kaoru continued to tease him until he got the answer he wanted.

Kojiro was ignoring the boy at this point. He was both flustered and upset. He hated Adam but would never admit it. Adam just irritated him for no reason at all. He was just so...annoying.

Adam was better at skateboarding. He was better at school. He was good looking. Plus, he's rich. And spoiled-

Kojiros face was being grabbed yet again. He was being forced to look at Kaoru. He wasn't complaining, exactly. He could admire Kaoru for days. But they weren't talking about a topic he was interested in and Kojiro had a feeling he wasnt going to give up anytime soon.

"Kojiro. Tell me. I'm your best friend, right?"

He was right.

Kojiro kept silent, watching as a small grin formed on the pink haired haired boys face. "What?"

Kaoru tilted his head to the side a little, moving his fingertips across Kojiros jawline and down his neck. "Mm, I dunnoooo..." he stared at his friend all the while, moving his hand lower and gently pressing on his chest. "Is it because you're jealousss~"

Every movement, every inch Kaoru moved set Kojiro on fire. He knew he was just teasing but he wanted so bad to just kiss him. Kaoru can't just tease him like that.

"I'm not jealous. Why would I be jealous of him?"

Kojiro, Jealous? No. Of course not. Why would he be jealous? Over the fact that he managed to pull Kaoru but he couldn't? No, no, no. That's ridiculous.

Koaru traveled his hand back up, knowing exactly what he was doing flustered his friend. If he had to be honest, Kojiro was adorable when he was all blushy.

"Dunno, maybe because he can pull more chics than you can."

"So it's about girls, is it?"

"You tell me. Are you jealous because he's better with the ladies."

"No." There was some truth behind those words.

"Then why don't you like him, Kojiro~ Tell me!" Kaoru begged, leaning his chest against, Kojiros and playing with a few strands of his hair. He felt his friend shift his weight to the side, making it easier for them to look at eachother.

If Kaoru was going to tease him, than at least he could try.

Kojiro wrapped one of his arms around Kaoru's waist, grabbing his chin and lifting it up. He brushed his thumb across the boys lips, slightly brushing over his lip piercing. "I don't know. Maybe it's because he better than me in so many different ways."

Kaoru didn't know what he was feeling but he knew one thing and it's that he wanted more.

"How so?"

Completely ignoring the fact that Adam was still there, they were both tangled in each other's grasps.

"For one, he's a better skater. For two, he's rich. Three, he talks to us like we are his dogs." He slightly rolled his eyes, hating the fact he was even thinking about the stupid blue haired boy.

"That's not all, what else?" Kaoru slipped his leg in between Kojiros, wrapping his arms around his neck and slowly moving his hand up into his hair again. He knew that wasn't all it.

Knowing this was all going to end at some point, knowing it was all just teasing made Kojiro even more hurt than he was before. But he wanted to enjoy it while it lasted at least.

"He pulled you.." Kojiro tugged him slightly closer, watching some of the messy pink hair fall in front of Kaoru's face.


Kojiro felt his stomach fill with butterflies. It took a second for him to realize what exactly he was going to do.

It was the stupidest thing he COULD do.

He tugged the boys tie closer to him, pressing his lips against Kaoru's. He regretted it as soon as he initiated the kiss. He let go and ruffled the already messy pink hair of his uh..friend and walked off to grab his bag. He had to escape. All while leaving poor Kaoru...

Wondering wether or not he was in love with Adam, still.



that chapter was a mess but I had an idea and decided to write at 2am

Reminder: it's not a good idea to write shit at 2am bc it becomes a mess 🥴

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