♾] Jealous

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Not me changing up the book so I can add a few Renga chapters... 😳

Jealousy? Reki, jealous? Please. That's not possible. Right?

Reki tapped his pencil against his notebook filled with various doodles and messy notes. Langa told him to start taking class seriously so he doesnt get kicked out or grounded by his mother. What does Langa know anyways.

Oh, that's right. Being so fucking pretty girls keep coming at him left and right. Handing him letters, chocolates, giving him hugs and attention. He wasn't jealous of the girls and attention Langa was getting, he was jealous because he didn't want girls to take Langa from him.


"Okay class, that concludes today's lesson." Their gloomy teacher erased the chalkboard and put his books away. "You may go home now..or whatever." He yawned.

The class started to shuffle around, book bags being stuffed with a bunch of work, relieved sighs of students who can't wait to get home, all of it was normal for the ending of school. What else, Langa always waited for him to finish packing his bag, he always waited for him by his side.

"Are you ready, Reki?" A soft, almost too quiet, voice spoke up from the side of Reki. "Yeah. Let's go." He threw his bag over his shoulder, practically storming off.

"What's wrong with you today, Reki? You seem...irritated." Langa worried, fiddling with the ends of his worn out hoodie.

"Hey Langa~" a girl passed by, waving. Langa lifted his hand and little to wave back, but he was mainly paying attention to the Red head in front of him.

"That's why!" Reki glared at the girl and his best friend. Langa only tilted his head in confusion only too realize what he meant. "Oh!" He stopped, causing the red head to turn and face him. "You're jealous because you don't have girls saying hi to you!" He smiled innocently.

Reki rolled his eyes and continued to walk to the skatepark. Even though he was a little pissed he still wouldn't give up the chance to skate.


"Reki, seriously What's wrong?" This is Langas third time helping Reki up from a spill. This time he scrapped his knee. He pulled him up and took him over to they bench, pulling out a first aid kit from his bag. "Nothing. I'm fine." Reki went to get back up but Langa grabbed his wrist and pulled him back down.

"You know, when you say you're fine it's obvious you're not." Langa sighed, placing a bandaid on one of Rekis scratches on his face. His knee was currently patched up and it stung like a bitch.

"Ow—Langa I said I'm fine." He swatted his hand away, getting to get back up again. Langa got a little upset, grabbing his hand and placing the bandaid on his cheek. "Shut up. I'm your best friend. We are supposed to tell eachother what's wrong."

"OKAY FINE. I'm jealous because girls are trying to take you away from me. There? Are you happy now." Reki looked down at his board in shame. He really was jealous. He didn't want to admit it but he was.

"Jealous? You're..jealous? Of that?!" Langa almost bursted out in laughter but he managed to stifle some laughter down to a small snicker. "Reki..I've turned down every girl that's came up to me. Why would I just randomly accept some girls confession. Most of them are girls I don't even have classes with."

"Shut up. That's making me feel worse for being jealous."

Langa was still holding onto Rekis wrist, keeping him from running off again to get more injuries. He ran his fingers across his palm with a smile. Rekis hands were soft and small compared to his. They weren't to small but they felt nice to hold. Before Reki could react he intertwined their fingers together.

"W-what are you doing? Langa let go." Despite saying that, Reki didn't pull his hand away or even move it. He stared at their intertwined fingers. He didn't know why but he returned holding his hand. His body moved on his own.

"I don't think you want me to let go." Langa snickered again, closing the first aid kit with his free hand and stuffing it back into his bag. "Reki, another reason why I declined those girls is because I was set on someone else."

"Oh because that would make me feel better too." Reki frowned a little.  He didn't like what he was hearing but he also didn't know where it was going.

"Stupid, you. It was you." Langa rolled his eyes with a scoff. "God, you can be so air-headed sometimes."

Reki panicked for a whole minute. Stuttering over words, repeating what Langa just said in his head and sometimes out loud. "Wha- who? Whe...HUH?!"

"Oh my god. Would you like me to demonstrate?!" Langa pulled Rekis hand towards him, causing Reki to lean forward a little. Before he let him even process the question he pressed his lips against the red heads.

Langa was relieved when Reki didn't flinch or pull away. He took a chance and it was 50/50 wether or not this could ruin their friendship or turn it into something else.

Once Langa had pulled away Reki was just frozen. He was malfunctioning at this point. He was NOT expecting to get kissed by Langa, the PRINCE of the school if you will, today.

"I- uh..um." He blinked a few times, letting everything slowly sink in. Langa let out a small laugh and got up on his board.

"Okay cmon, we can get back to skating."



So enjoy this while I work on a Matchablossom one rq 😌💕

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