11th Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: While on a case for Torchwood, and you run into your old friend (and lover), the Doctor.

"Damn it," I exclaimed, running as fast as I could down a crowded street in London. I was running from a UNIT soldier. I was caught trespassing on 'private grounds.' All I was trying to was get information about that bloody spaceship that crashed there! Jack Harkness, my boss, sent me there because 'I've been to cooped up in the hub.'

"Oi, watch it!" A man shouted as I rushed past him.

"Sorry!" I apologized. 

I ran as fast as I could for as long as I could, but it felt like my lungs have collapsed and my legs had fallen off. Finally, I spun around and pulled my gun out of my holster, aiming right at the soldier's head. It was useless. Her gun was bigger.

"Back down," I shouted, and for a moment, I allowed yourself to remember the time she might have actually listened. When I was travelling with...him, I actually had a bit of authority.

The solider actually laughed, then aimed her gun at me, "Not a chance."

I growled, "I'm just going my job."

"Just as I'm doing mine."

"I've still got clearance at UNIT! I used to work there!" I shouted, exasperated. 

"Well, you've downgraded a bit, haven't you?"

That made me snap. I shot at her, hitting her in the chest. Not that it did anything, she was wearing on of those bulletproof vest UNIT made their soldiers wear. That was my plan. No matter how much I wanted to hurt her, I knew it wasn't right. He taught me that. 

"Back up! Back up!" the soldier called into her earpiece, and very slowly made herself stand up. I was in trouble now. Within seconds, I heard sirens heading our way.

"Damn it," I sighed. I couldn't run. There's no point.

The soldier stepped up to me and spun me around, placing my hands handcuffs. "I'm taking you into custody on behalf of UNIT."

"Oh, thank god for that. For a second I thought I was actually in trouble," I rolled my eyes.

She nudged me forward as one of UNIT's many SUV's pulled up. I was forced into the backseat, with a soldier sitting on either side of me.

Let's just say, it was a long drive.

"I can walk by myself, you know," I muttered, trying to pull my arms out of the soldiers grip, but it was no use. Their grip was to tight.

"[Y/N]," a general nodded.

"Hello," I nodded as well, "I'd salute, but I'm a bit held up at the moment."

"Release her," he looked back at the soldiers holding me.

"But sir-" They started.

"Release her," the general repeated, and they had no choice but to listen to him.

Once the cuffs were off, I stretched my arms a bit, "Thanks, boys."

"Follow me," the general looked at me before turning around and walking off.

"Can you tell me why you let me go?" I asked him as we walked into UNIT HQ.

"I shouldn't have. You trespassed on private property, then shot one of my best soldiers."

"Yeah, but she's fine. Give me a break. Plus, it's my job to investigate things that fall through the rift. I work at Torchwood, after all."

"I'm well aware, ma'am."

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