12th Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: The Doctor becoming a father figure to you after Death in Heaven.

My parents meant the universe to me. They always encouraged me to try my hardest and to never give up, even when times were rough. I looked up to them for everything...

But when Missy came to town, everything came to a screeching halt.

I was walking along the school corridors when news broke out of the Cybermen. They were everywhere. Except this time...people weren't scared. They were taking pictures of the thousands of metal men lined the streets of London. I, on the other hand, was terrified. My parents worked at the UNified Intelligence Taskforce, aka UNIT. I knew they would be the first people to be called out. They always told me not to worry if something happened to them, that things happen for a reason, but I couldn't help it.

So, when a strange man knocked on the door to my house, I knew my fears had been confirmed. It didn't matter that he wasn't in the typical UNIT uniform.

"I'm sorry," the Scottish man kept repeating with a look of sympathy in his eyes, "They died heroes."

"I know..." my voice came out hoarse. I was crying way before he arrived.

He placed a hand on my shoulder and gave it a slight squeeze, "I know what it's like...to lose someone."

"Yeah?" I looked up at him, properly noticing him for the first time. His hair was short and grey, and his eyes were also grey. He seemed like a very somber person.

He nodded sadly. I could tell he didn't show his emotions very often.

"Does it get better?" I sniffled.

"Time is the solution to everything," he smiled softly, "And with that being said, I'd like to show you something."

"Me?" I frowned, "Why?"

"Because I'm in the mood to help you get better," he turned and started to walk towards a blue box. That just made me even more confused. Since when has UNIT owned a police box?

"Who are you?" I followed him out of curiosity.

"I'm called the Doctor," he pushed open the door to the box and stepped inside.

"Doctor who?" I raised an eyebrow.

He replied, but it was muffled.

"What the hell?" I stepped closer to the box and my eyes widened. "It's...it's..."

"Go ahead, say it," he called as I stepped inside.

"It's...bigger on the inside!" I breathed in awe as I gazed around the beautiful machine.



"TARDIS. That's what she's called. Stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space."

"TARDIS..." I tried the word, "I like it."

"Me too."

I hesitantly stepped up to him, "Are you an alien?"

"Very keen deduction," he replied, a bit sarcastically.

"My parents worked for UNIT. I'm used to aliens," I murmured, a bit numbly. I still can't believe I'm using the past tense now...

"They were brilliant, too," he informed as the doors closed behind me, "I had the pleasure to meet them a few different times. Of course, they never knew it was me they kept running into. Regeneration does that."


"Sorry. Jumped ahead a bit," he waved me off, "Now, you're new to this. You just lost the two people you loved the most, and you're very, very sad. What do you want to do?"

I thought a moment. "Sleep. For forever."

"Ah. See, that's where everyone is wrong. When they lose someone, they want to sleep, because sleep is the one thing a person can do without being constantly reminded that their loved ones are gone. They'll be there in your dreams, and it's almost like they never left. But I've got news for you, dear. That's a temporary solution to the situation. Because eventually you're going to wake up. You're going to remember that they're gone, and that they'll never come back. That will just make you wish you were in dreamland again. So, here's the right way to mourn, and trust me, I've done it enough times," he walked up to the console, or at least I thought it was a console, and pulled a lever. "You keep going onwards, [Y/N]. You live your life in memory of the people you've lost, and you make them proud. It's worked for me so far, and I'm sure it will work for you."

I smiled, the first genuine smile of the day and thanked him.

"Anytime," he nodded, offering me a kind smile. "Now, where would you like to go, my dear?"

"Somewhere amazing, Doctor," my smile widened immensely.

"Somewhere amazing it is!"

From that day forward, I took that brilliant man's advice. I lived my life, which was full of adventures and wonders, to the fullest. The Doctor became a second father to me, and I couldn't be more grateful to have met him.


A/N: First 12th Doctor imagine! I quite adore Peter as the Doctor. What do you think of him? Also, thank you to everyone that sent a request! I promise I will work on those, but I'm always taking more! :)

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