I'm Going To Do Something Crazy!

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Hello! Sorry I haven't updated lately, but I have a reason! I'm going to start writing a Doctor Who Love Story! Sounds rubbish, I know, but I've had this idea for quite some time...Here's the description:

Zana Kline always dreamed of adventures, but that's all they ever were. Dreams. She dreamed of far away galaxies and planets, of the distant past and the faraway future, but she knew they were just crazy fantasies. After all, it was the early 21st century. Humans had yet ventured past the moon. So, how would she ever become the avid adventurer she was in her complicated mind? The answer's simple, really. She ran into Rose Tyler.

Do you like it? Should I start working on it? It's a 10th Doctor x OC Love Story, and probably eventual 11th Doctor x OC Love Story. I wanted your approval before I properly start on it, because it truly means a lot to me. So please, I'd love feedback! You can even pitch in a few ideas if you want! I'm just excited for this! :D

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