11th Doctor x Reader

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A/N: Sort of a part 2 to my first imagine!

Rose Tyler. The name had wormed its way into your brain and it refused to leave, no matter how much you tried. She was the reason you kept shying away from telling the most amazing man you've ever met just how much he meant to you...

A sigh left your lips as you shook your head, pulling yourself away from your thoughts as the Doctor sauntered into the console room. He was in his usual jovial mood, prompting your mood to change as well. Something about him was contagious, it would seem. You could never stay upset him, not for long.

"Ah! [Y/N]! Glad to see you're finally awake!" He sent a wide smile in your direction. "The Ponds have decided that they're taking a day in, and I was starting to think you'd done the same."

You chuckled, "Sorry, Doctor."

His smile seemed to falter a bit as he stopped his twirls around the console. "Are you alright?" He asked in a soft voice.

"I'm always alright," you assured with a smile.

"You've been around me too long," he replied simply, moving so he was sitting beside you on the captain's seat. "You can tell me, you know."

"I know I can," you nodded and looked down at your hands. Doesn't mean I will, you thought to yourself.

"Then why don't you?"

"Because it's daft," you murmured.

"I doubt it's daft," he reached down for your hand, but you had stood up. "[Y/N]..."

"Where are we going today?" You asked, leaning against the console. "Somewhere amazing, I would think?"

He stood up, running a hand through his floppy hair. "Wouldn't give you anything less, [Y/N]."

You smiled widely, "Is that right?"

"Only the best for you," he winked, making you blush. He's going to be the death you...

Within seconds the Doctor was working at the console. You gripped onto the edge of it, trying to keep your balance as you started to laugh. The Doctor beamed widely as he moved towards you. He moved to yank down a lever next to your hand when suddenly the TARDIS jolted to the left, sending the both of you floor as the time machine came to a halt.

"What was that?" You asked as the engine of the TARDIS died down.

"Haven't the slightly," he hopped right up, pulling you up with him. "Care to find out?"

"Always," you grinned before the two of you hurried down the steps and towards the TARDIS doors. The Doctor pulled them open and took your hand, pulling you outside. You instantly took in your surroundings. You appeared to be in, well, London. "Look, Doctor, somewhere we've been a billion times!" You teased, nudging him with your elbow as the two of you walked.

"Well the TARDIS brought us here for a reason," he chuckled. "Shall we found out what that reason is?"

"Of course," you smiled.


"Excuse me," the Doctor tapped on the shoulder of a middle aged man, who turned to look at him. "Yes, hello. Can you tell me what today is?"

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