The Doctor x Reader

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Imagine: Storming out on the Doctor into some random time period, and he barley saves you in time when something bad happens.

I was angry at that stupid bloody idiot. Sometimes I can't stand him!

"[Y/N]-" he started, but I shook my head.

"Shut up. I'm cross with you," I snapped, not even sparing him a look.

You lot must be wondering what he did to piss me off so bad, yeah? Well, I'll tell you.

I had been planning to see this certain supernova for weeks. Months, even. Every day I have reminded the Doctor about it, and every day he told me not to worry about it, because he would make sure to get me to that precise moment. The thing is, we couldn't just skip forward to see it, because it's caught it some sort of spacey-wacey time distortion. So, that means we couldn't go back to see it if we missed it either.

Lo and behold, for some daft reason, he thought it was a good idea to sleep in, making me miss this supernova I've been waiting forever for!

"Look, I'm sorry!" he apologized.

"Sorry?" I snapped again, louder this time, "Sorry?! I don't ask for much, you stupid alien! How the hell can you always manage to mess up everything I ask for?!"

Oh, this wasn't the first time he's done something like this. He's the most unreliable person I've ever met!

"I don't do it on purpose, if that's what you think!" he snapped back.

"Really? Because that's what it seems like!"

"If you're so bloody unhappy, why don't you just leave?"

"Wow," I laughed, "That's the best idea you've ever had!"

"I think so too!" he agreed loudly, yanking down on a lever on the console. The TARDIS jerked, and landed with a loud thud.

"I never want to see you again, Doctor," I informed angrily, storming out of the blue box. The doors slammed shut by themselves as the TARDIS dematerialized, leaving me stranded in the...what decade was this? Better question, what century was this?

"He can't even drop me off properly!" I huffed, looking around the small town. I spotted an woman, about my age, and walked towards her, "Excuse me, ma'am, but what's the date ?"

"Why, it's the 16th of October, 1834," she informed.

I groaned and looked around again, "Where am I?"

"London, England."

I frowned. London, 1834...

"Westminster..." I breathed as it donned on me, "Oh, I'm going to kill him."

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