3- no more waiting

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The days following the attack were softly tense. After that heartfelt hug Katsuki had received a smack on the head for his interaction with Midoriya at school. The young blond had growled and barked at his brother for defending that useless twerp, but M/n was having none of it.

And Mitsuki was having none of her sons being idiots caught on live television. As soon as they'd stepped through the door both boys got a chop to the head, however the younger twin was then caught in a teary hug and smothered by babying words.

M/n awkwardly stood by the door, rubbing his head and watching his parents weep over his twin. Katsuki rolled his eyes and pushed his mom and dad off, yelling at them to get lost. M/n had to stop himself burning a hole in the wall; he'd kill for that kind of worry over him.


One evening the family were having dinner, the hum of the radio in the background and Masaru was dishing out rice.

"So, M/n," Mistsuki perked up while cutting Katsuki's pork, "when do I get to meet your girlfriend? You've been seeing her for how long? 3 months, and I haven't met her?" She laughed, thinking it cute how her son was keeping the relationship low-key when she wanted to make a big deal out of it.

M/n cleared his throat as his dad scooped some rice on his plate, "You won't," he said, looking down at his food and smiling to himself.

"Huh?" Mitsuki raised a brow while the other twin eyed him from the corner of his eye. Masaru had seated himself, interested in his son's nonchalant refusal. "Can I ask why?"

"Yeah. She's the daughter of a yakuza henchmen, I was using her for  information. Sir Nighteye is taking their base down this weekend." M/n finished and began eating his meal.

Masaru choked on his drink and fisted his chest in an effort not to die right there at the dinner table. The younger twin also became unable to swallow his pork, his face becoming pale and eyes watery. Mitsuki looked like she were about to rage at her eldest son, but then wilted down in her seat.

"Why is it every person you date is some villain's child for some mission? I'll never have grandchildren at this point," she whispered fearfully, clutching her head,

"Yep," M/n chuckled, passing Katsuki the jug of water, "sorry mom."


Bakugou M/n had been inaugurated in  the Young Hero Association since his second year of middle school.

It all began on a day that still splintered the young boy with nightmares.

The shopping bag dropping to the floor, groceries rolling out, concrete collapsing and people's screams being muffled by ash and dust.

On that day he'd been recognized as an upcoming hero, Sir Nighteye and All Might had taken interest, the latter more for his safety and well being, and here he was, years later, progressing into hero-hood under the cover of operations the public never caught a whiff of.

The YHA was very hush hush, agencies booking the youths like summer camp.

M/n had completed missions, big and small, intricate and plain, but each one made his heart beat fast and exhilaration spike.

He was not allowed to explicitly speak of his work, and he had to sometimes leave home or school to take part. But, he was always dropped home, not kept for long, and taken under the wing of the pros.

Katsuki was jealous at first- who wouldn't be? Working with pros; did they think his brother's quirk was better than his?! Damn them!

But, when M/n came home and was silent, not cracking jokes or teasing him, it was like watching a predator come limping back. The haunted look in his eyes, his vacant expression at school, the sobs he'd hear from his twin's room- he realised.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now