22- don't look back in anger

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It was the end of the school day.
M/n was sat rigidly on the edge of the makeshift hospital bed, watching Recovery girl shuffle around.

She seated herself on a spinny chair and wheeled herself over to the boy. The cast his arm had lain in was now sheared off like a thick skin, his elbow relieved to finally breathe again.

She gently gripped his wrist and looked over his forearm. Reassuring him with a closed-eye smile, she casually leant over and smooched his arm.

The ulna injury that should've taken 4-6 weeks to heal was radically rearranged and fixed.
She hummed, satisfied with the quick result, and span back to her desk.

The teenager awkwardly swang his feet, hands lightly holding the bed's railing. He heard a breath and was expecting her to suggest his leave, yet what came out blasted him into silence.

"You have ice burns on your arms, Bakugou. Where did they come from?"

Indeed. Where his arms had been encased in the rigourous chamber, now lay a few yellowish-grey scars.

M/n bit his tongue. This was a woman with medical knowledge. She knew a fresh scar when she saw one.

The layers of skin had been so numb, so itchingly cold, he'd rubbed his arms furiously after the first chamber session. Now his collection of dull impressions began to blossom as he began to care less.

No one had asked.

"They, um," he shifted his blazer hastily over his body, "they're kinda old, when my quirk wasn't habilitated by my body."

"Your poor body must have been exhausted as a child," she shook her head with a smile of concern.

Glancing around the hospital room, M/n appreciated the stark contrast of 'Thank you' letters on bright coloured paper from kids across U.A. The smiley face sticker on the leg of her desk, the containers of lollypops, rolls of bandages on shelves like receipts for a bad time.

"Absolutely knackered." He chuckled.

He politely refused a lollypop, knowing it would only turn to red gloop in his hands. Grandma Chiyo watched him go with slumped shoulders and a sigh.

Those scars... they have flocked like vultures to his skin. Please, look after yourself my boy.


As M/n approached his classroom, a commotion snapped his attention up like a mousetrap. He heard the authoritive tone of Iida admonishing someone for calling everyone "extras."

Ah, can only be one person. M/n smiled to his feet and continued forward, perhaps to diffuse the situation, or maybe worsen it for a laugh... He'd decide in the next few steps.

"I came to see the famous Class A, but it seems pretty arrogant to me." A gravelly voice broke out among the murmuring. "Are all students in the hero course like this?"

Much to the older Bakugou's annoyance, the indigo haired guy went on a spiel of how U.A was willing to boost students who'd failed previously into the hero course.

It was a brave thing to aspire, or even say out loud, but the way he said it pissed the taller Bakugou off.

"Even if you are on the hero course, if you get too carried away I'll be sure to pull the rug from under you. I came with a declaration of war." He seemed satisfied with how he made the angry explosive boy of 1-A lift his chin in frustration.

A low voice sliced through the tense air.

"A declaration of war?" M/n asked, looking this challenger up and down; dishevelled hair and tired eyes, eyes that saw no hope in themself.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now