9- call if you need me

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Pacing in his room wearing (f/c) boxers and his toothbrush wedged in his mouth, M/n tapped out a text with his thumb.

Yo Zuku,
I'm sorry if how I reacted today upset you I-

Delete <

Hey Izuku,
Bud, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable today by flaring up, I just think...


M/n bit down a little too harshly on his toothbrush and heard a snap. Chucking the plastic in the bin and rubbing his jaw, he decided his third try would be his final.

Today was more shock than anything. Honestly, I'm glad we're on the same journey together, I can't wait for what the course holds, but please let me know if you ever need anything, I'll listen, no matter what, k?

His thumb hesitated over the send button. His reaction had really startled Izuku, so switching the emotions like this might mess with him. Maybe it'd be better to leave it in silence and move on; the only interactions to be quick glances over the shoulder.

No. M/n hated it in books and TV shows when characters failed to communicate because of their preparations for failure.

Whether Midoriya wanted it or not, he had M/n's wavering support.



The next day, U.A provided normal lessons, if Presentable Micycle yelling about English adjectives could be called normal.

During a small break, M/n was tapping his mechanical pencil on his desk meanwhile Katsuki had a locked jaw and glared out the window. He could not do something as chill as 'gazing' so he glared at the pigeons flying past.

A timid tap to his shoulder caused the older twin to turn around in his seat. Looking up, a pair of gleeming red eyes locked with his. It was the kid who sat diagonally behind him.

"Hey," the redhead greeted, "I heard your grip strength test yesterday and wanted to say how manly it was." He pumped his fist.

"Thanks man, you used your hardening quirk on yours, right? That machine musta been outta wack to receive that kinda juice," yes, M/n knew gym buddy lingo. It had a positive effect on Kirishima.

"Totally! We should train together sometime, I'm Kirishima Eijiro!"

"Bakugou M/n, woah- neat scar!" M/n suddenly noticed the jagged cut to the boy's eyebrow, touching it absently Kirishima blushed.

"Aw, thanks, you've got some nice ones too!" M/n looked down at his palms, littered with big and small scars amounted from when his quirk first developed.

"Yeah-heh, getting walloped by your quirk sure is fun, hey?" Kirishima chuckled at the blond's comment and nodded,

"Sure is."

Katsuki rolled his eyes, overhearing his twin and that extra's conversation. What did being 'manly' have to do with a damn hero course?

Then Katsuki's eyes widened a fraction. Since when did M/n so openly joke about his scars? He normally avoided the subject, becoming sweaty and causing him to heat up. Yet here he was, carefree about what Katsuki had seen him cry over as a child.

Rubbing his arms absently, Katsuki continued to glare out the window. Everyone had their scars, luckily not all of them were visible.

He wouldn't joke about his, but with the way M/n was rolling, he may as well just turn their whole story into a pantomime for the whole class to see.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now