- O tanjoubi omedetou -

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Birthday special chapter for the Bakugou twins!! 20 th April

Dawn was breaking as a young couple began their hike along a steep trail. Among luscious forest and singing birds, Mitsuki Bakugou pushed a branch out of her face with a huff.

"Ow." She glanced over her shoulder at her husband who rubbed his face, a red branch-shaped mark on his cheek.

"C'mon, no time for a breather, let's go," she held out her hand and aided her sweaty husband up the steep steps leading to a temple on the hill.

"I know," he sighed, "but this early, darling?" Masaru asked while cradling the back of his cargo's head.

Mitsuki snapped and glared behind her, "Yes this early! Every mother and their dog wants their kid blessed during cherry blossom season- we're getting these kids blessed if it's the last thing I do." And with that declaration she marched on.

Small snores made Masaru glance down to the small, chubby face pressed against his chest. He cooed at his son's adorable position and began climbing again, keeping a firm hand on his infant's back.


The Bakugous finally reached the summit, a breathtaking view over the valley swept Mitsuki away. It was perfect; the pink, blushing cherry blossoms in bloom and the sound of a stream trickling nearby. The mountains were snowcapped and the sky a rich blue.

Gazing down at the bundle close to her chest, she kissed baby Katsuki's head and tugged her husband away from his binoculars.

They made their way to the entrance and removed their outdoor shoes, shuffling into the temple slippers provided.

Inside, a monk was sat in meditation, incense lit and the smoke twirling into the air.

Kneeling down, and hoisting Masaru down too, Mitsuki removed the tiny blond wrapped to her chest and carefully placed him on the bamboo flooring.

Copying his wife, Masaru cradled his precious first born, M/n, and lay the ten day old babies next to each other, swaddled in cacoons of plush blankets. M/n squinted in his sleep and fussed, missing the warmth of his father's arms and suddenly being breathed over by the crisp mountain air.

M/n's eyelids fluttered open, his big red eyes taking in the sight of an intricately carved roof, and two soft looking humans peering down at him.

Immediately falling in love with his ruby eyes, Mitsuki bent down and littered her eldest son's face with kisses. He babbled and nuzzled back into his blanket falling asleep once more.


The kind monk who had a wrinkly smile blessed both Katsuki and M/n with a small ritual of washing the babies and kissing their foreheads.

"May they be blessed in health, love, happiness and family." The monk bowed and handed the Bakugous their blond dumplings back.

Tearing up a little, Mitsuki took her sons outside to breathe in that fresh air and calm their souls. She knew someday they'd develop fiery quirks from the mixture of her and her husband, so tranquility in the lungs now was needed.

However, peering down at the snuggled babes in her arms, she smiled reassuringly. If one or both of my boys are quirkless, they will be loved just as much as if they had one. No matter what, they're what bring me joy.


As the couple descended the mountain, a woman wrapped in similar monk clothing hobbled up the stairs.

"Greeting, dears," she smiled, then noticed the two adults each holding a precious bundle, "my what treasures you have brought into this world, may I see?"

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now