17- russian roulette

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The seeping dust storm that'd choked the ground level cleared to reveal the consequences of All Might's throwdown.

It....had not resulted in what he wanted, for him, his enemy, nor his students.

The warp gate villain had manipulated the hero's attack and split the Nomu in half, it's upper body sprouting out through a portal and gripping All Might like a kid who'd caught their first fish.

The blond hero still held a tight grip around the monster's torso, yet to no avail as the monster broke a barrier of skin, crushing it's fingers into his secret injury.
A slim spurt of blood trickled through the hero's clenched teeth. This wasn't good.

"Boy, you weren't going to melt Nomu's brain, were you?" The warp gate villain grumbled, All Might turned his head hastily to see his small comrade's situation.

A portal holding back two white hot hands restrained the boy as his forearms were sucked into the ground. Yearning to hurt the beast, his fingertip scraped the creature's exposed brain. This caused it to screech and pinch All Might's side harder.
"I wouldn't let dirt enter my quirk, but this, this is too great an opportunity. I'll release Nomu and snap you like a toy- maybe the boy's arms too."

"Ggnng!" M/n was pulling his arms back, not wanting them separated from him. A great plan struck the warp gate villain, as he slowly redirected the burning hands toward the no.1's soaked red torso.

All Might's gleaming blue eyes widened a fraction. He knew of young Bakugou's volcanic heat, seeing it first hand on many occasion. If that so near as touched his wound, his muscle form may just collapse.

"No!" M/n grit his teeth, a few tears in his eyes, "No! Please don't!" His floating hands were being puppeteered closer to its target.

All Might sucked in a breath as the numbing heat radiating off the boy's skin singed his shirt. He could see the boy battling with himself, tugging at the dark force, willing his stupid arms to cool down already!

M/n would never be able to look at himself again.
To burn another person, again?
His brother's hero no less.
But like a candle lit at both ends, he'd have to burn some other way.
Heroes or villian. Which deserved it more?

"It's alright, son," All Might smiled to the boy which caused his breath to hitch, "a little burn never put me down, it's alright now."
A tear burned behind M/n's sealed eyelids.

A shout ceased the hovering hands that curled in on themselves.

Once again, his legs had moved before thinking.



"Are you out of your mind?!" Mineta screeched as Midoriya had subconsciously handed Aizawa off to him and Tsyu.

Izuku Midoriya, like that time way back when in Tatooin station, couldn't idly stand by as his two heroes were put at the mercy of villains.
They were going to snap All Might to pieces and take away M/n's arm privileges.

There's still so much I want you to teach me, it can't end like this!
He saw All Might proudly encouraging him to clean up the beach, and telling him off for over exerting.
He saw M/n when they were kids, a tough blond four year old who held Izuku whenever he cried.

The holding stopped when that quirk developed. But the caring never did.

There's still so much I have to learn from you, M/n! Still so much I want you to be proud of in the future!

"I'M COMING!" ooh yeah get it ig.

Kurogiri rose to meet Midoriya head on. Before he could eventually be warped to the afterlife and meet Natasha Romanov, a blast from a gloved hand dispersed the wall of darkness.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now