25- stuck, for a while

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8 years ago

"C'mon loser," Katsuki dragged out the last word, "I wanna go, I really, really wanna go, come on!"

"No, brat." M/n shooed him away with his hand, currently bent over his math homework, face scrunched in concentration.

"But-but?" His little brother pointed back to the television, bright colours flashing- All Might was in town, for today only, seemingly, "He's gonna be there, and I wanna go!"

"For the last time!" The eldest looked up at him with a furious scowl as he'd been whining for the last two hours while M/n tried to complete his tasks, "No. Now shut up and go play with your games or something."

He kicked M/n in the shin as he went past -"Oi!"- and stomped to their shared bedroom. Sighing, M/n flicked off the TV, the background noise and pulsing lights made it difficult to focus.

Their parents were out and, like always, he was left to look after his twin. He'd already cooked a simple lunch which was left half-eaten on the table, and as the afternoon wound away he'd had time to concentrate on the squiggly symbols on the paper before him.

Why was he so eager to get this over with? Well, his teacher had praised Katsuki all week on his excellent grades while M/n had listened by the classroom door, looking down at his own underlined marks with wobbly eyes.

He just wanted someone to ruffle his hair and tell him: "Good job, kid, I'm proud of you." Saying it to himself in the mirror wasn't validating enough, and he felt stupid when he said such encouraging things to himself.

Finally M/n had completed his math homework, he kissed his paper in earnest, wishing himself luck, and tidied the place up. The sun was getting quite low, he looked out the window at the gathering orange clouds.

Tucking his hands to himself he thought for a moment, nibbling his bottom lip. Katsuki deserved rewards and good memories, but why did M/n have to give them all away? Wasn't that a parent's job? Wasn't he supposed to be their other child? Apparently not, he was Katsuki's nanny and fun-sucking older sibling who had to ruin everything by being mature.

Katsuki heard soft shuffling up the stairs and held his breath while playing with his All-Might figurine. He stayed silent in hopes his brother would go away.

"Suki," he heard a small, authoritive voice, "get your coat on, c'mon, we're going into town."

A large gasp elicited from the eight year old as he dropped the action man and sprinted toward the door, flinging it open and racing past his brother down the stairs. M/n stood there, doorknob dent on his forehead, as Katsuki tugged on his boots.

"Hurry up!" Katsuki grinned, adorned in his red, blue and yellow raincoat.

"Coming!" M/n smiled and ignored the throbbing in his head, watching the tiny blond escape the front door- "Hey! Your boots are on the wrong feet!! Suki!!"


Present day

Of course Todoroki froze the hoarde of people that emerged from the tunnel.

And of course in no time the heat radiating from the soles of M/n's feet meant he easily slicked over the ice and made a path for himself, unfortunately as he passed some people the ice encapsulating them defrosted, allowing them to tug free.

A few of these people being Tokoyami, Mineta and Mina, whom M/n couldn't help but smirk at when she cried out his name in shocked anger at his speedy escape.

"Ah, sorry Mina-chan! Have fun watching me win though!" He called with a swift salute, the pink haired girl grit her teeth and shakily used her quirk on the ice to follow him.

M/n was now breaching an acceptable distance between himself and Todoroki, as the bi-coloured boy was already rounding a corner.

He was breathing heavily as he ran, feet stomping as patches of dirt opened up beneath as the frost retreated, the hissing noise of sublimation following him.

Unfortunately, the barren patches the hot-trotting boy left behind presented the perfect opportunity for a certain grape-haired nuisance to throw down his squishy b a l l s and use them as stepping stones.

"I've outwitted the top players of Class A, how pathetic!!" The purple minion jeered, "Take this! My special attack!" He soared above M/n's head like a graceful dumpling, "GRA--"


"Nice kill!" M/n yelled, watching Mineta's tiny body get flung like a hamster by the arm of a robot.

A mass of robots blocked the exit, looming over their crowd of targets. A new barrier, which Peasant Mike happily called,

"Robo inferno!"

"So this is what they used in the entrance exam." Todoroki side glanced M/n, the two of them grateful they only had a race.

The ice wielder stomped down his right foot, "Yet if they went through all this trouble, I wish they would've prepared something better." In one swift slash he'd brought his arm sweeping over the robots and a tsunami of ice washed against them, freezing them like gigantic statues.

While people shivered and an orchestra of chattering teeth errupted, M/n was pleasantly grateful for his above-average body temperature.

He watched Todoroki skid through the legs of the metal beasts, while others cheered out he'd left them a pathway.

"I wouldn't if I were you," M/n held his arm up, stopping a few students who gave him questioning looks, "He froze them while they were unbalanced, they'll come crashing down any second... Now."

On cue they cracked and toppled toward the array of students. In their wake, a herd of 2-pointers and 3-pointers did an "autobots, roll out" motion as they encroached upon everyone's escape route.

With the dust settling, M/n rolled his shoulder, trying to think of a way past.

Over them? Through them?

Wait... There's another way.

A lightbulb pinged above his head when an idea came to him, and admist the dust-storm he did a little dance.

Gulping a big breath into his lungs, he plunged into action.

Aniki // bnha x Bakugou!twin reader// ‼️Ended ‼️Where stories live. Discover now