Chapter 4. Detention!

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Your POV

It was six forty and I was waiting in the common room for Hermione to get back from the library when the twins came in.

"Five more minutes 'til you gotta go, Georgie," Fred reminded George.

"Yeah, yeah," George said rolling his eyes.

"Where are you Hermione?" I whispered.

"Oh, hey Y/N! Are you ready for your detention?" Fred asked.

"Pffft," I scoffed. "No. What makes you think I am?"

"Y/N!" Hermione called, entering the common room. Perfect timing. Thank you Hermione!

"What's up?" I questioned nonchalantly.

"You should get going now," Hermione told me, "you too George."

"Okay," I replied.

I walked out the door and George followed.

As soon as we were through the George burst into a sprint screaming, "race ya!"

George's POV

I heard her footsteps behind me and sped up. I reached the Potions classroom and stood in the middle of the corridor to catch my breath. That's when Y/N ran into me and knocked me down. With her on top of me.

"Sorry," she apologized. She got off and held out a hand to help me up.

I took it and said, "falling for me all ready Black?"

"Ha ha, very funny," she said sarcastically, and rolled her E/C eyes. "You wanna go in first?"

I look at the open door, and gulped. "Ladies first?" I suggest.

"Frick you," Y/N snarled. I sniggered. She strut into the door with me at her heels.

Your POV

"Ah, Miss. Black, Mr. Weasley," Snape greeted. "Here are your cleaning tools. Leave you wands on my desk. If you touch them, the consequences will be bad. You will stay in here until you are done. Even if curfew has started. I want this place to be spotless tomorrow. If not I'll see you two tomorrow at the same time for something else. I will check on you at eleven."

George and I placed our wands on Snape's desk. He smirked and then walked out of the classroom. I looked around the room and saw it was still as back as before. I heard the door lock, which meant I was stuck with George for the next, how knows how long.

"Should we get started?" George asked.

I nodded and started toward the cleaning equipment when a thought came to me. "Do you know how to use these stuff?"

George hesitated before answering. "No," he admitted.

"Well let's start with cleaning things off the floor, I told him.

"How do we clean up the glass?"

"You see that?" I saw pointing to the broom. He nodded. "You use that."

"And how do I do that?" He asked, glaring at me.

"I'll show you," I snapped. I grabbed the broom and started sweeping. "Do you get the idea?" I asked him. He nodded. "Then you pile up all the glass in the same pile and I'll take care of it," I instructed. I passed him the broom. "I'll pick up anything that isn't glass."

He took the broom and started sweeping. He was a fast learner!

I lurked around the room looking for things to pick up. I found a few ingredients for potions and threw them in the trash.

I was on my hands and knees looking under the last desk when I felt a hand on my back. I jumped up, fisted raised. When I saw who it was I had half a mind to actually punch him.

George was laughing his head off at me. "Shut up," I growled. "What do you want?"

"I finished with the glass," he answered. "You said you'd take care of it once I was done."

I walked over to the mountain of glass up front. I took the pan and swept some into it and threw it out. I kept doing that until it was all gone, with George watching me.

"Have I grown a second head?" I sneered.

"What? No!" George replied, confused. "Why are you asking?"

"Because you keep watching me," I snapped. "Grab a sponge and we can clean the cauldrons."

"What's a sponge?" He asked.

I rolled my E/C eyes and chucked a sponge at his head. I knew it it wouldn't hurt, but I could use a laugh. However, he caught it before it hit him.

"You know that it wouldn't have hurt,  right?" He said, he had a raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yes," I replied. "I'm pretty sure a sponge is self explanatory."

I went over to the nearest cauldron and started cleaning. George was cleaning the ones at the very back.

Once every while one of us cracked a joke, it helped lighten the mood. It also made me feel better about the whole detention thing.


George's POV

"Aaaaand done!" I announced, to an almost empty room.

Y/N started slow clapping. "Wow! Good job."

"Thank you," I bowed. She rolled her eyes again.

"So how do we get out?" She asked, picking up her wand. I followed her lead. "I mean Snape locked the door, how are we supposed to get out without getting in trouble for breaking out?"

"Never thought about that," I admitted. "Do we just wait for Snape, then?"

"He said that he'd come check on us at eleven," she shrugged. "What time do you think it is now? I reckon it's around ten to ten thirty."

I checked my watch. "It's ten thirty nine," I told her. "We have a bit of time."

"Well I'm going to look around if we didn't get anything," Y/N said. "You are welcome to help me at any time."

"Nah," I answered. "I've cleaned enough."

"It wasn't much of a question," she snapped.

"What's got your knickers in a twist?" I joked.

"I'm tired, and my hands are sore," she snapped. "You're probably the same, so you can help."

"Fine," I rolled my eyes.

We looked for a mess at different ends of the room. When we were done it was eleven exactly.

"You are free to go," Snape said. He entered the room and we ran for it while we could.

We reached the common room and said good night.


If people are actually reading this trash I have started school again (I had Easter Break) and will now upload less frequently. Probably one chapter every other day. Anyway... Love you guys, I hope you enjoyed!

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