Chapter 44. A Long Night!

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Thank you guys for waiting for this chapter, I hope you enjoy!! Love you all!! Stay awesome!! 

3rd Person

After dinner the gang didn't go back up to the common room, in fact they sneaked out of the castle to go to Hagrid's hut. Under the Invisibility Cloak of course. It was quite hard for the four of them to fit under, but they managed, that Cloak had seen more than one troublesome quartet.

When Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/n were welcomed into Hagrid's they were offered tea, to which Hagrid's hands trembled so badly that the milk jug he was holding fell and broke. Hermione offered to get him a new one from his cupboard. They discussed Buckbeak's case and what they could do about it. Hermione turned around, Y/n could see her fighting back tears, so Hermione turned around to make tea, and hide her tears from Hagrid. Then, as she lifted the milk jug she let out a squeal.

"Ron! I - I don't believe it - Scabbers!"

Ron gaped at her.

"What are you taking about?"

Hermione walked up to the table and turned the milk jug upside down, with a frightened squeak, and some failed attempts to get back in to the jug, Scabbers (Peter Pettigrew, known to Sirius and Y/n Black, and Peter himself) came tumbled out of it.

"Scabbers!" Ron gasped. "Scabbers, how'd you get here?"

"He won't be able to respond, Ron," said Y/n sarcastically.

"Ha ha," Ron laughed humorlessly, while picking up the squirming rat. "It's okay, Scabbers! There are no cats! There's nothing here to hurt you!"

"Except me," Y/n thought savagely.

Hagrid suddenly sat up straight, his head snapped in the direction of the window. his face had gone hella pale.

"They're comin'..." was all Hagrid whispered.

(*cough* that's what she said *cough*)

The four kids looked towards the window. A group of four men were walking down towards Hagrid's hut.

"Yeh gotta go," Hagrid told them. "They mustn' find yeh here... go on now ..."

Ron shoved Scabbers into his pocket, and Hermione grabbed the cloak.

"I'll let yeh out this way," hagrid said, leading them towards the back of his cabin.

When they walked out into the garden, Buckbeak's head snapped to where the wizards and witches were, he pawed the ground nervously.

"It's okay, Beaky," Hagrid assured the hippogriff. "It's okay ..." He turned to Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/n. "Go on. Get goin'."

they didn't move in fact, they all said different things at the same time.

"Hagrid, we can't-" Harry tried arguing.

"We'll tell them what really happened -" Hermione offered.

"They can't kill him -" Ron huffed.

"You and Buckbeak need us," Y/n said sternly.

"Go!" Hagrid growled. "It's bad enough without you lot in trouble."

Harry, Ron, and Y/n stayed quiet as Hermione threw the cloak over them.

"Go quick," Hagrid breathed. "An' don' listen."

Hagrid walked into his hut as there was a knock on the front door. Swiftly the quartet moved towards the castle.

"Please, let's hurry," Hermione whispered. "I don't want to hear what happens."

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