Chapter Nine. Snowball Fight!

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George's POV

"I'm bored," Y/N whined.

Percy had finally got his Prefect's badge back from Fred and I and we were all sitting and watching the fire. Except for Y/N. She was staring out the window watching the snow fall from the grey sky.

I went to join her by the window. I was surprised when she didn't protest.

"Snowball fight?" I suggested.

Her face lit up, and her E/C had a glint of mischief in them.

"Weasley, I think this will be the first, and last time, I say this. You are a genius!"

"Duh," I said playfully.

She lightly smacked my arm.

"Who's in for a snowball fight!?" Y/N yelled to the others.

"I'm in!" Fred, Harry, and Ron shouted.

"Percy?" Y/N said to him.

"I have Prefect duties to attend to," he simply answered.

"I never asked to see if you were joining us," Y/N said. "I meant to say that you are coming with us."

Fred, Harry, Ron, and I laughed.

Percy glared at her for a moment. She was smirking at him, knowing that he couldn't say no to her. Who could say no to her?

Percy sighed. "Fine. Snowball fight it is."

We all cheered and dragged him to the Courtyard.


Your POV

When Harry, the Weasley's, and I arrived in the Courtyard we sat down and held what I called 'a grand council meeting.'

"Now," I started, gaining their attention. "Are we going to have a free for all first, teams, are partners? We can easily hold a vote. Raise your hand for teams first!"

No one raised their hands. They were all looking at me like I was mental. I am, but still.

"No one?" I asked. They shook their heads. "Okay then. Those for partners?"

The twins raised their hands.

"Alright," I said, pretending to write it down on a notebook. "Those for a free for all?"

Percy, Harry, Ron, and I raised our hands.

"A free for all it is. Three hits and your dead. Got it? Let's go. On my count. One, two, three, GO!"

We all spilt up and ran to different areas of the Courtyard.


"And the winner of the free for all is, yours truly," I said to the group, bowing.

"How'd you get me with one shot left, and I had three?" Weasley the First pouted.

"Because you have that bad on an  aim," I said. I stuck my tongue out at him.

I didn't see him pick up the snow and turn it into a ball.

I only felt the snowball hitting my face, and falling backwards. The boys laughed.

"Would you call that bad aim?" Weasley the First joked.

"You were three feet from me," I laughed, getting up. "Anyway, all those for teams?"

No one raised their hands.

I rolled my eyes, "partners?"

We all raise our hands.

"How are we going to pick partners?" I asked.

Weasley the Second slung his arm around his partner in crime.

"No," Percy snapped. "You two don't have to be partners for everything." The twins stuck their tongues out at him. "We have three first years, and three people older than them. I can pick the partners Y/N."

I nodded my head for him to go on. Percy looked at all of us.

"Let's see," he muttered.

Out of all the people I just hoped that I wasn't with Weasley the First. (Y'all know what's going to happen. ;))

"Fred and Ron," Ron glared at Fred, and he glared back.

'Come on Percy,' I begged in my head, 'put Harry with George.'

"George and Y/N," my heart sank.

I looked over to George who smirked at me then winked. I glared daggers at him, and my cheeks turned red. Luckily they already were, due to the cold.

"Which leaves Harry and I," Percy concluded.

"On my count," I said again. "One, two, three, GO!"

George and I ran off and found a place with a lot of snow.

"I'll go after Ron and Fred, you go after Percy and Harry," I told Weasley the First.

"Why?" He complained.

"I thought I proved it to you that I'm better at snowball fights?" I snapped.

"I let you win," he glared at me.

"Then you would have told me that after I hit you for the last time," I sneered. "Let's just go for Harry and Percy together than."

"Fine," George agreed. I could tell he rolled his eyes at me.


"Two for two!" I cheered when I had finally gotten Weasley the Second.

"We get it," Fred laughed, "you're good."

"Of course I am," I guffawed. "What are the teams?"

"You heard Percy before," Weasley the First smirked. "There are three first years, and the other people."

"That's no fair!" Ron cried.

"You guys have Y/N," Percy said.

"One," I started. Everyone straightened up. I am going to get those three. "Two." Hopefully Ron and Harry won't get out that easily. "Three, GO!"


"You guys are so bad, I basically won in a three versus one!" I celebrated.

"Do you think you'd win in a five versus one?" Weasley the First challenged.

"You're on," I smirked at him. "One!" How the fuck was I going to do this? "Two!" Calm down Y/N. You've won all other times. "Three!" Take a deep breath. "GO!"


"Another victory for Black!" I yelled.

"How are you this good?" Harry groaned.

"I just am," I replied. "I'm cold, let's go in now."


That's it for today guys. I'll see you later. I hope you enjoyed. Love you all!

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