Chapter 58. The Yule Ball!

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Your POV

Christmas morning was good. I had gotten a good collection of gifts from friends and some family (like Dad, Remus, and the Tonks').

Harry, Hermione, and I had spent out day with the Weasleys, during the afternoon Hermione watched as Harry and I had a snowball fight with the Weasleys. By five o'clock Hermione, Ginny, and I had left to go get ready for the Yule Ball at eight, leaving the boys to their fight.

"So are we just going to get one of us ready at a time?" Ginny asked when she entered Hermione's and my dorm with her things.

"I guess," I shrugged. "Hermione, I think that we should get you done first so that you can get used to it if you're dancing with one of the champions."

"Sure," Hermione answered.

The order of getting ready went as thus: Hermione got her dress on, then Ginny and I did her hair and makeup; Ginny got her dress on, then Hermione and I did her hair and makeup; I got my (g {gold}/ r {red}/ b {black}/ p {purple}) dress on, then Hermione and Ginny did my hair and makeup. In the end we all looked great!

"Hermione," I whispered to her when we were making our way to the Great Hall.

"What?" she whispered back.

"Ginny and I are going to go up ahead and meet with our dates," I told her. "You stay here and make an amazing entrance up here. So then people will only see you when you're walking into the Great Hall with Viktor."

"Okay," Hermione agreed.

"See you in there," Ginny and I whispered in unison.

"Uh huh," Hermione replied as Ginny and I rushed ahead.

When we made it to the Entrance Hall we few people that we actually knew. Most people were from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, and those from Hogwarts that we hadn't met in our years here.

"Ginny!" someone called from behind us at the stairs.

Ginny and I turned around and saw Neville hurrying down the steps. Ginny gave me an excited smile as she responded to Neville.

"Hey, Neville!"

Neville smiled and said, "You look - um - you look great!"

"Thank you," giggled Ginny.

"Shall we go in?" Neville offered his arm to her.

"Of course," Ginny replied, hooking her arm around his arm. "Bye, Y/n."

"Bye, Gin," I responded. "Bye, Neville."

"Bye, Y/n," Neville said to me, before Ginny steered him towards the Great Hall where everyone was gathering.

"Well, don't you looking hot," someone said in my ear.

I whirled around, only to be met with the guy who asked me to the ball a while ago.

"Go away, McLaggen," I snarled at him, looking around for George.

"Aw, why?" he pouted, steeping closer to me.

I faced him and was about to retaliate when someone spoke up from beside me, "Because she's waiting for her date."

I looked to the voice and saw George with his arms crossed, staring daggers at McLaggen.

Ah, my knight in shining armor, I thought.

McLaggen glared right back at George, but when George took a step towards him, he turned tail and ran into the Great Hall.

"Thank you," I said to George.

He turned to face me and his scowl turned into a stunned look.

"No problem," he replied. "Can I say that you look absolutely gorgeous, or is it too late?"

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now