Chapter 35. Hogsmeade!

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Hermione's POV

I felt really guilty about leaving Harry at Hogwarts, but he would find something to do without us. 

As we entered Hogsmeade, Y/n towed Ron and I over to Honeydukes to find candy.

"Look at all of it, Hermione!" Y/n exclaimed as got into the building. "Look at all the glorious candy!"

"I see it, Y/n," I told her. "What should we get?"

"Everything," Y/n giggled running around the place picking out candy.

"How does she already have a sugar rush?" Ron asked me.

I laughed and shrugged my shoulders, trying to find my best friend in the sea of chaos around us.


Cedric's POV

Ooooooo, someone new.

As I was walking towards the Three Broomsticks with my friends I saw Y/n making her way to the same place as I was.

"You guys go in without me," I said.

"Why?" one of my friends asked.

"I have other things to do," I lied. "I'll meet p with you guys before we leave."

"Okay," another one of my friends shrugged.

I started waving in Y/n's direction.

She made eye contact with me, and turned to her friends. She told them something, and they went in without her. She started towards me.

"Hey, Cedric," she said.

"Hello," I said. "How are you liking Hogwarts?" I asked her.

"It's nice," she smiled. "I've been dragging my friends everywhere. I haven't gone to Zonko's though. That's the place I really want to go."

"I could take you there," I offered. "Unless you want to get some Butterbeer?"

"We can go later," she said. "Let's go to Zonko's."

"Race you there," I said, running towards the building.

"Hey!" she shouted behind me.

I laughed as I heard her sprinting to catch up.

I reached the door before her, but about two seconds later something crashed into me. I recognized the H/L H/C as we fell.

"Sorry," she groaned standing up.

Y/n held out her hand, and pulled me up.

"You're fast," I commented, rubbing my chest.

"I do a lot of running," she shrugged. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I reassured her. "It's fine, just out of breath."

"From running, or falling?" she asked sarcastically.

"Both," I laughed.

She rolled her E/C and walked inside.

"Wait up!" I laughed, walking up to her.


George's POV

I was at Zonko's with Lee and Fred when Y/n walked in.

Her hair was full of leaves, and her E/ eyes twinkled as she looked around.

"Wait up!" someone said behind her.

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now