Chapter 64. August!

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So sorry for making you guys wait so long. I got the biggest writer's block I have ever gotten. But, I hope you all enjoyed, love you all!

Your POV

"Where is everyone?" Ron asked, walking into the kitchen. "Like all the adults."

"Dad's here," I replied, before the Weasleys or Hermione could answer. "You dad's gone to work, and everyone else has to do things for the Order."

"Where is Sirius?" Ron questioned, sitting down across from me.

I shrugged and said, "Probably sleeping."

"When does Mum get back?" he turned to Fred, George, and Ginny to get an answer.

The three of them turned to me. I sighed, set down my fork and told Ron, "Around the time Mr. Weasley usually gets back from work. I don't know what she's doing, so don't ask. Before you guys ask how I know this it's because I spoke to Remus this morning when he left the house."

"How come you know more about the Order than the rest of us?" Fred asked.

"Because if I was seventeen I would have be able to join. Dad wants me to know what's happening. He thinks I have a right to know. However, he won't let me join."

"And yet Fred and I are seventeen and can't join," George huffed. "That's bullshit."

"It is what it is," I said under my breath, and dove back into my food.

We all stayed silent until Dad walked into the kitchen a few minutes later and looked around.

"Hello, children. May I ask where all of the adults are?"

"No," we all responded at the same time.

"Well. Can I ask who's all here?"


"Aren't you all just a talkative bunch," Dad muttered, walking over to the coffee machine. "So, is Molly here?"




"Did Tonks stop by for me to actually have some company?"


"At least tell me Remus is here."


"I don't want to be left alone with you children," Dad mumbled, sitting down at the end of the table, away from all of us. "You guys are scary."


"I feel like I'm about to be murdered," Dad said.

We were silent for a while, until I said, "How's Buckbeak?"

"Better company than you six," Dad snapped, standing up with his coffee cup in tow. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hang out with my best friend, Buckbeak."

As he kept his word and left the kitchen to go visit Buckbeak the six of us shared a look, shrugged, and went back to eating


"Morning!" chirped Madam Pomfrey, entering the kitchen through the fireplace. "How are all of you this fine morning?"

"Good...?" Dad, Remus, and I answered together.

"What are you doing here?" Remus asked. "Would you like tea, or coffee or -"

"It's the second of August," Madam Pomfrey announced, walking towards Dad and I. "I was supposed to check up on Y/n on the first, but things kept me busy yesterday."

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now