Chapter 10. The Mirror of Erised!

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Happy Sunday (Monday) guys! I'm only doing one chapter today, sorry if you wanted more, because today is a very busy day. Love you guys, and I hope you enjoy.

Okay, I was an idiot and forgot to publish this part yesterday. My bad, I am a moron. Anyway, I will continue the story. It's also being published late because I was too lazy to publish it earlier in the day.

Harry's POV

It had been my best Christmas day ever. Yet something been nagging at the back of my head all day. It wasn't until I climbed into bed that I was free to think about it: the Invisibility Cloak and whoever had sent it.

I leaned over the side of my bed and got it.

My father's ... this had been something that belonged to my father! I let the material flow over my hands, smoother than silk, light as air. Use it well, the note had told me.

I had to try it on, now. I slipped out of bed and wrapped the Cloak around myself. Looking down at my legs, I saw that only the moonlight and shadows were there. It was a very uncomfortable feeling.

Suddenly, I felt wide awake. The whole of Hogwarts was open to him and his Cloak. Excitement flooded my cold body as I stood there in the dark and silence. I could go anywhere I wanted, with the Cloak on, and Filch would never need to know.

Ron grunted in his deep and peaceful sleep. Should I wake him up for this? Something held me back - my father's Cloak - I felt that this time - the first time - I would use it alone.

I crept out of the dormitory, down the stairs, across the common room, and climbed out of the portrait hole.

"Who's there?" Squawked the Fat Lady. I said nothing. I walked quickly down the corridor.

Where should I go? I stopped, heart racing, and then thought. It immediately came to me. The Restricted Section in the library! I'd be able to stay for however long I wanted to, and however long it took me to find Flamel.

I set off, still in the Invisibility Cloak, toward the library.

The library was pitch black and very eerie. I light a lamp to see my way along the rows of books. The lamped probably looked as though it was floating in mid-air, even though I was holding it. People wouldn't know though.

I had been looking through the Restricted Section for a while when a large black and silver volume caught my eye. I pulled it out with difficulty, because it was heavy, and balanced it on my knee, let it fall open.

A blood curdling scream filled the world around me. The book was screaming! Since when did books do that? 

'This is a magic world, Harry, of course that happens,' I thought.

I snapped the book shut, backed up and knocked the lamp over, which went out at once. Panicking, I heard footsteps approaching the corridor outside. I ran for it.

I passed Filch almost at the doorway; Filch's pale, wide eyes looked straight through me and I hurriedly swept under his outstretched arm and streaked through the corridor, the books shrieks still ringing through my ears.

I hid behind a suit of armour and heard the muffled sounds of Filch, and what seemed to be, Snape. 

I backed out to get out of their way and into another room. I leaned against the wall, breathing heavy, listening to their footsteps dying away.

I looked around the room I was in. It looked like a deserted classroom. The dark shapes of desks loomed in the room. Everything was piled up against the walls, but in the middle of the room stood something that looked like it belonged elsewhere.

It was a mirror! As high as the ceiling, with an ornate gold frame, standing on two clawed feet. There was an inscription on the top that I couldn't read.

Little did I know this mirror gave me something to really think about.


"You could have woken me up," Ron said crossly the next morning.

I had told him and Y/N about what I had saw.

"You can come back tonight, I'm going back, I want to show you the mirror," I offered.

At this he perked up. "I'd like to see your mum and dad," Ron said eagerly.  "What about you Y/N?  Are you in?"

"I don't like the sound of that mirror," she said warily. "I'll be fine."

"Are you sure?" Ron pushed. "You're starting to sound like Hermione."

"I'm sure," Y/N repeated. "It's a shame you didn't find anything about Flamel though, eh? Have some bacon or something, Harry, you need to eat.

I didn't eat though. I was too excited for tonight. To see my parents again. I had almost forgotten about Flamel. Who cares what's in that package? Who cares what that dog is guarding? Who cares if Snape is trying to steal it? I was going to get to see my parents.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked, bring me back to reality. "You look odd."


The snow still hadn't melted the next morning.

"You want to play chess with us, Harry?" Ron asked from the other side of the room.

Him and Y/N were playing chess.


"Do you want to visit Hagrid?"

"No ... you two go ..."

"I know what you're thinking about, Harry, that mirror. Don't go back tonight," Y/N warned me.

However, I didn't heed her warning.

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