Chapter 38. An Apology

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Excuse me as the next few chapters play Ed Sheeran songs. Because I am obsessed.

Your POV

I woke up before any of the girls in my dorm.

I sat up and looked around the room before getting out of the comforting bed, and grabbed some warm clothes. Then, walking outside to enjoy to peace and quiet. 

The snow was untouched, and none of the students had been outside yet. Lots would be leaving for the holidays, and usually I'd be excited seeing as I'd get to spend my break with my best friends. But I doubted that they'd want to hang out with me now.

I walked over to a tree near the Black Lake, and climbed up to its lowest branch, which was about seven feet up. I brushed the snow off and sat down, looking over the grounds over Hogwarts, imaging my parents running around here when they were my age.

Not long after I dozed off, falling into a deep sleep.


Sirius's POV

I pawed the ground nervously when dawn broke over the grounds of Hogwarts.

I had just saw the figure of Hagrid hobble into the Forbidden Forest., knowing that it won't be safe to wander in there for a while.

I watched the tree by the Black Lake for a while, remembering all the good memories there, like when James, Remus, and I would go swimming, or we'd climb the tree, once James almost broke his arm when one the branches broke, or when Lia and I would have picnics there, or we'd go stargazing.

Thoughts of my wife brought me back to the fact that my daughter is here, that she's probably the smartest in her class (thanks to mine and Lia's smarts), maybe she's friends with Harry, maybe she get into as much trouble as I did, maybe she's happy without me, maybe she wants me in her life. Things I might never know.

That's when a figure appeared out of the castle, a girl, maybe a fourth year. I could see the red and gold Gryffindor scarf from here, and saw her H/C billowing behind her (if your hair is short, than he only sees the scarf). She headed straight for the tree at the Black Lake, and climbed up to the lowest branch, probably around seven feet.

She laid there on her back, and after  five minutes her breathing became steady, like she was sleeping.

So I quickly padded (Did you get the pun?) over to her.

I couldn't see what she looked like, other then her H/C hair, and her S/C (skin colour) skin she reminded me of Lia.

That's when she stirred and almost fell out of the tree.

I could see her eyelids flutter open, and she looked around.

That's when she looked at the ground and looked right into my grey eyes.

Both her's and my eyes widened in shock. I was looking at a Lia-look-alike! Except with darker, and curlier hair.

This time she really did fall off of her branch, and trotted a few steps away, and left her fall into the powdery snow.

She looked back at me, and stared, hopefully wondering what a dog could be doing on the grounds of Hogwarts. 

Her mouth was agape, and she seemed to be trying to find some words. The words I expected the Lia-look-alike to say were defiantly not this.

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