Chapter 45. Third Year? Complete!

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Remus's POV

What have I done? Because of me my goddaughter is here. Half dead.

"Remus," Professor Dumbledore walked into the Hospital Wing. "You know that she will be okay."

"I don't know that anymore," I sighed. "I'm the reason she's here. She's going to hate me."

"I doubt Y/n Black could ever hate someone how she truly cares about," Professor Dumbledore told me.

"She could have -" I cleared my throat to stop myself from crying. "She could have become what I am. I'm a danger to her. And I won't get to apologize."

"We have to hope, Remus, that she will wake up," Professor Dumbledore said. "I believe that Miss. Black can easily wake up from this. She is a very strong willed young lady. And it is because of you she is that way."

"I think it would be more of Lia," I chuckled. "Lia always had such strong beliefs, she taught Y/n to think about the people that wanted to see her succeeded when she was close to giving up."

"Amelia Pearson was one of the best students I have seen walk through these halls," sighed Professor Dumbledore. "I should I say Amelia Black? Such a shame what happened. She, among others, were so young."

I looked to Y/n still breathing figure. "Do you think she'll be okay?"

"I know so, Remus," said Professor Dumbledore, standing up. "I also know that the first words you hear from her next will be 'It's not your fault, Remus'."

With that Professor Dumbledore stood up and walked out of the Hospital Wing.

"Wake up for me, Y/n," I whispered.

The girl on the bed groaned, and my heart leapt. It was like she heard me.

Then her eyes opened, the same e/c eyes that shone with a plan whenever I told her not to do something as a child.

"Y/n?" I breathed. "Oh, thank God! I thought you wouldn't wake up! I am so sorry! I put you in so much danger."

Y/n sighed. "It's not your fault, Remus. I should have realized that a dog versus a werewolf wasn't going to be unfair on one side. Especially after another, bigger dog was just beat by it. speaking of the dog, how's Dad?"

"You'll have to ask your friends about that one" I replied, smiling at her. "I also want you to know that I will be leaving Hogwarts."

"Why?" she whined.

"Professor Snape accidentally let it slip about my furry little problem," I answered. "I don't think most parents will want me teaching their kids anymore."

"But you're the best Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher we've every had!"

"Thank you, but I don't think I could deal with all the owls," I sighed. "I'll see you again though, soon. I promise."

"You better write once Hogwarts starts up again in the fall."

"Of course," I promised.

She sat up and opened her arms, and hugged her quickly, knowing that her muscles tightened.

"See you, Rem."

"Bye, Y/n."


Your POV

"Hello, Miss. Black."

I turned towards the voice and my eyes widened when I saw my Headmaster walk up to my bed.

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