Chapter 27. To the Chamber!

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I'm back! I'm sorry for the wait, on Monday I got up at like two, and felt like shit. And then on Tuesday, I had to go to the dentist, damn bracket broke. Fuck braces. But I'm back now, and we can wrap up second year by like tomorrow, Friday, or Saturday, before the week ends. Promise. I hope you guys enjoy, love you all!

Your POV

"All those times we were in that bathroom, and she was just three toilets away," Ron grumbled bitterly at breakfast, "and we could have just asked her, and now ..."

It was hard enough looking for the spiders, so trying to dodge out of the way of the teachers to get to Moaning Myrtle's washroom was impossible. Or should I say impassable.

(Get it? Okay... I'll leave now.)

Transfiguration class is a good time to think of plans for getting to the washroom, but ten minutes into class McGonagall started talking about the exams that would happen on the first of June, one week from today.

'Really?' I thought to myself. 'The day after my birthday?'

"Exams!" Seamus howled. "We're still getting exams!?"

There was a loud bang behind Harry, Ron, and I. Neville's wand slipped and vanished one of the legs of his desk. Professor McGonagall restored it with a swish of her wand, then turned to face Seamus.

"The whole point of Hogwarts staying open at this time is for the students to receive their education," McGonagall said. "The exams will, therefore, take place on the first of June. I trust that you all will study hard."

I never thought that there would be exams with all that's been happening this year! And have a week to study everything we learned this year! That's just bitchy!

"Professor Dumbledore's instructions were to keep the school running as normally as possible," she told us. "And that means finding out how much you have learned this year."

Instinctively I looked down on the slippers that, just seconds before McGonagall told us about the exams, had been rabbits. I think I'll do just fine.

I looked over to Ron and Harry.

Harry looked quest, but Ron looked terrified.

"Can you imagine me taking exams with this?" he whispered to Harry and I, holding up his wand, which had started whistling loudly.


Three days before our first exam, and two before my birthday, Professor McGonagall gave us another announcement at breakfast. Although, this one was much better.

"I have good news!" she exclaimed.

The Great Hall exploded in ideas of what this could be; Dumbledore coming back, the Heir of Slytherin getting caught, Quidditch matches back on (An Idea By Oliver Wood), and the exams being cancelled.

When everybody calmed down McGonagall announced, "Professor Sprout has informed me that the Mandrakes are ready for cutting at last. Tonight, we will be able to recover all those who have been petrified. I need hardly remind you that one of the them may be able to tell us who, or what, attacked them. I am hopeful that this dreadful year will end with us catching the culprit."

The Hall erupted once more, but this time with cheers instead of ideas.

I went to drink my orange juice (yes, orange! Not all beverages are pumpkin juice! Also, screw you if you don't like orange juice! The orange juice is needed for this next bit), but Ginny came down and sat beside Ron and I. She leaned her head against my shoulder, and I rested my head on top of hers. She looked tense, and her hands were folded on her lap.

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