Chapter 14. Pranks With an Animagi!

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Your POV

I walked down to the common room and sat down on the nearest couch.

I rested my face in my hands, with my elbows on my knees, and breathed deeply.

I felt someone sit down beside me.

"Are you okay?" The voice asked.

"I'm fine," I responded, not moving.

"Are you sure? It looks like you're going to cry."

My head shot up, and my E/C eyes were met with calming brown ones that belonged to George Weasley.

"I don't cry, Weasley," I said curtly.

"Since when did we go back to last name terms?" He joked.

He smiled at me, and I glared at him. Causing him to smirk at me.

"Shut it," I snapped.

"What's got you all moody?"

"My grandparents."

"What happened?"

"None of your business."

"Okay ... I was wondering if you wanted to help Fred and I with a prank."

I smiled softly at him, and a pink tinge rose to his face.

"Sure," I replied.

"Let's go then," he said standing up.

I stood up with him and followed him out of the common room.

"Where are we going?" I asked, after we went down two floors.

"We're going to meet Fred," he replied.

I sighed, frustrated at him.

"Where though?"

"Stop asking questions, and move!"


I continued to follow him until we met Fred, outside the kitchens.

"I see you got a distraction," Fred nodded in my direction.

"Excuse me? Distraction?" I glared.

"Yes, distraction," George sighed.

"You are to get Filch, and everybody, away from his office. George and I are going to flood his office," Fred clarified.

"What?" I gasped. "Flood his office? How?"

"Simple ... we use the spell 'Aguamenti' and seal the cracks of the door," George told me. "You are the biggest key in this. You need to keep him away for about ten minutes. We really just need five minutes, but lead him far away so you can run back and watch the fun!"

I thought about what kind of distraction I could use. Then it came to me.

"Alright then, Weasleys, let's do this," I smirked. "To the next Marauder's!"

"To the next Marauder's!" The twins echoed.

"Now, I have to find a little somethin'," I told them. "A dog will meet you up at Filch's. It'll hopefully get rid of Filch and Mrs. Norris, good luck!"

"What about you?" George questioned. "Where will you be when this dog is supposed to be distracting Filch?"

"The dog will bring him to me, where I will make sure he stays away," I reassured him. "I'll see you guys soon. By the way, the dog's name is ... Cassie, I think."

Cassie, short for Cassiopeia. That's all I could think of?

As soon as I knew I was alone, and no one would see me, I turned into my animagus.

It was a German Shepherd. But instead of a caramel colour with black it was my H/C hair colour with black. My E/C eyes were the only things that could possibly give me away. Unless that someone knew my middle name, but no one knew my middle name.

As Cassie, the dog, I loped up to Filch's office. I saw Fred and George waiting for me, well, Cassie, there.

'Dog mode on, Y/N,' I thought to myself.

I nuzzled into George's hand, which happened to be the closest hand.

"You must be Cassie," Fred said in a baby voice. Well, not exactly a baby voice but one you normally use with a dog.

I barked, as in to say, 'yes!'.

"Great!" Fred clapped. "Do you think this dog understands English?" He whispered to George.

"If it managed to get to here from Y/N, then yes," George answered his brother. "We need you to get Filch away from here."

I tried to nod my head. I think I managed it.

Seven minutes later I was back with Fred and George, in human form, peering around the corner by Filch's office.

"Damn dog got away," Filch muttered angrily. "How'd that blasted thing get into Hogwarts ground anyway?"

Filch reached for the handle of his office and turned it.


Water came flooding out of the office, soaking Filch and Mrs. Norris.

Fred, George, and I fought back silent giggles.

"WEASLEYS!" Filch roared.

Fred, George, and I sprinted back to he Gryffindor common room, and collapsed on some armchairs.

We were all in tears from laughter.

When we stopped laughing and straightened up, I got my book from upstairs and read down on one of the chairs.

The Weasley twins and I were the only ones in the common room, which I thought to be weird.

The twins were in a serious conversation, and I sat there reading my book.

About five minutes later McGonagall barged in with Filch.

The Weasleys and I looked at her, trying to look innocent.

"Mr. Filch has just told me that you two have flooded his office," Professor McGonagall informed us.

"We did not," George defended. "We've been here the whole time!"

"Miss. Black?" McGonagall turned to me.

"It's true, Professor. They've been here the whole time," I backed up. "I've came down here to read and found them talking about something. I didn't really pay attention."

She could've been helping them!" Filch accused.

"Why would I ever help pull a stupid prank with these two?" I snapped.

"She has a point Argus," Professor McGonagall agreed. "Let's leave them alone."

When they left, the boys gave me thankful smiles.

"You have a point, Black," George started. "Why dd you help us?"

I rolled my eyes and went back to reading.

It Started With a Prank (George Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now