Chapter 51. Beauxbatons and Durmstrang!

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Sorry for the wait for this chapter, I took my drivers exam, and have PASSED!! Let's go!! 

Today's chapter question; What is your dream vehicle?

I hope you all enjoy, love you all!! STAY AWESOME! Short chapter warning btw!! 

I am so sorry. I must not have hit publish yesterday. So, this is Monday's post even though it's Tuesday. Sorry.

3rd Person

After Potions ended in the afternoon on the Thirtieth Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Y/n ran back to Gryffindor Tower, dropped off their bags, and ran the way to the Entrance Hall.

The Heads of Houses were waiting for their students, and to give them "pointers" to make the students look better. The "pointers" were more of "clean yo self up, you stupid asshats".

"Weasley, fix your hair," McGonagall barked at Ron. "Miss. Patil, take that ridiculous thing our of your hair." Parvati took out on ornamental butterfly. "Black, tie your tie up."

Y/n looked down at her tie only to see that she must have just thrown it over her shoulders this morning, because it wasn't done up, and just hanging open. She quickly tied it up, and turned back to McGonagall.

"Follow me, please," instructed McGonagall, "first years in front ... no shoving..."

Professor McGonagall lead them down the steps and out to the front of the castle. It was a cold evening, cold enough that Y/n wanted nothing more than to go and grab a jumper, but the sky was beautiful. The moon was out, it wasn't quite a full moon, but it was close. Remus would be going through the pains of pre-transformation.

"Nearly six," Ron whispered to Harry, Hermione, and Y/n. "How do you reckon they're arriving? the train?"

"I doubt it," Hermione responded.

"How then?" Harry asked. "Broomsticks?"

"Too far," Y/n told him.

"Maybe a Portkey?" Ron suggested. "Or maybe they  could apparate - maybe you're allowed to do that under seventeen where they're from."

"You can't apparate inside the Hogwarts's grounds, how often do I have to tell you," Hermione huffed.

Y/n rolled her eyes, knowing that Hermione couldn't see her since it was dark. sometimes Hermione's intelligence can be a real pain in the ass, especially when she always likes to show off. Don't get her wrong, Y/n loves Hermione, but it can get annoying.

Y/m looked around of any hint that the other schools would be arriving. Why did they have to go and wait outside in this kind of weather? Why can't they wait inside, in the Great Hall? 

"Aha! Unless I am mistaken, the delegation from Beauxbatons approaches," Dumbledore exclaimed, closer to the castle with the rest of the teachers.

"Where?" about half of the students gasped, looking around where ever they could.

"There!" someone cried from the crowd, pointing towards the Forbidden Forest.

The students all frantically looked in the direction of the Forest. Coming towards them was a black dot, the seemed to get bigger with every second.

"It's a dragon!" one first year screamed, losing their shit.

"Don't be stupid... it's a flying horse," Dennis Creevey snapped.

Between the two guesses, Dennis's was closer. As the dot got closer more features appeared. A dozen winged horses, about the size of elephants, were pulling a horse-drawn carriage.

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