Chapter 62. Fourth Year? Complete!

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3rd Person

Something was tugging at her sleeve. Y/n opened her eyes and was met with Harry's anxious face.

"Come on, Y/n/n," he spoke softly. "We're going to go see Snuffles."

Y/n stood up, it must have been two hours by now because her broken leg had doubled in pain from when it first broke. She groaned getting up, Harry helping her. They walked out to the corridor where Professor Dumbledore was standing, waiting for them.

"Come, you two," he said, starting to walk forwards, "Sirius is waiting for you both in my office."

They followed Dumbledore to his office in silence, until Y/n remembered the last thing Cedric said to her.

"Professor, where are Mr. and Mrs. Diggory?"

"They are with Professor Sprout," Dumbledore replied, giving her a sad look. "She was Cedric's Head of House, and knew him best."

When they had reached Dumbledore's office and had pushed open the oak doors revealing his splendid office, Sirius jumped up towards his daughter and godson.

He hugged the both of them, creating a group hug and whispered, "If I had known - thank God you're safe."

Sirius lead the both of them to two seats in front of Dumbledore's desk.

"What happened?" Sirius asked the second the both of them were sitting.

Dumbledore began to tell Sirius everything that Barty Crouch Jr. had said. Y/n closed her eyes once more as she listened to Dumbledore drone on. She had missed a lot in her little nap. Y/n opened her eyes once Dumbledore had stopped talking.

"I need to know what happened after you two touched the portkey in the maze," Dumbledore talked to the both of them.

"We can have them talk tomorrow, Dumbledore," Sirius snapped, setting his hands to rest on Y/n and Harry's shoulders. "Let them sleep. They've been through so much tonight. They need rest."

"I know that numbing the pain for a night will make it worse when you remember it tomorrow," Dumbledore said. "You both have shown great bravery, and I am asking once more for you to tell us. I know that it will hurt to speak of it, but it will be better now to tell it then later I ask the both of you to tell us what happened."

The two were quiet for a bit until Y/n spoke up. She talked about what happened after they touched the cup, about Cedric's death (which she had to pause to collect herself), about Wormtail tying them both up, the process to bring Voldemort back, and when Wormtail and cut her with the dagger. When she told of that Sirius gripped her shoulder tighter, and took a look at her cut wounds. They were still bleeding slightly, but they were better than when she first got them. Harry had to tell the rest because Y/n had blacked out at that moment in the graveyard. He told about Voldemort threatening to kill Y/n and her uncles stepping up to stop him. Harry talked about his duel with Voldemort and how their wands connected. When he was done both Y/n and Harry noticed that Sirius had left them to go sit in a chair, where he had his face buried in his hands.

"I will say it again," Dumbledore said once he thought the silence had gone on long enough. "You both have shown bravery beyond anything I could have expected. You both have shown bravery equal to those you died fighting Voldemort at the height of his powers. You two have shouldered a grown wizard's burden and found yourself equal to it. You two will come with me to the hospital wing. Neither of you will return to your dormitories. A Sleeping Potion and some peace will do you two good. Sirius, would you like to stay with them?"

Sirius nodded and stood up, he transformed into his black dog and walked with them to the hospital wing. When they reached the hospital wing they noticed Mrs Weasley, Bill, Ron, and Hermione grouped around a harassed looking Madam Pomfrey. They appeared to be demanding where Harry and Y/n were and what happened to them.

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