Chapter 36. Gryffindor's Defeat

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Your POV

After my father broke into the castle people had been treating me differently. 

I noticed that when I waved at people in the corridors they looked away and hurried past me, as if I'd kill them if I looked at them.

Some of the teachers were also more resentful about picking me to answer a question in  class, and Snape's bullying got worse since then. Especially when he filled in for Remus when he wasn't feeling well after the full moon.

With Quidditch Madam Hooch was now supervising our training to make sure that Harry was safe. Our game versus Slytherin was also changed, so we would be playing against Hufflepuff instead. Against my new friend, Cedric.

The Slytherin team said that it was because Malfoy was still injured, but the Gryffindor team knew it was because of the weather and they were to much of babies to play a game in the pouring rain.

I could barely hear Madam Hooch blow her whistle, but I saw other people shoot up, and followed suit.

A few minutes into the game, when I was soaked to the core and couldn't see five feet ahead of me when a thought, the most insane of thoughts, came to me.

'You can you use you Legilimency to find where everyone is, and what they'll do,' a voice in my head told me.

'That's cheating!' another voice scolded the first.

'No one will know,' the first voice reminded the second.

'It's still cheating!' the second voice stayed defiant.

'So!?' the first voice asked.

I blocked them both out as I squinted, looking for darker shapes to come zooming towards me.

Instead of getting a human racing towards me, I caught a quaffle right before  it broke my nose.

Seeing no other figures coming towards me I flew towards the, what I hoped was, Hufflepuff end. 

Looking towards the dark, looming shapes of the hoops, I saw a figure with dark yellow flying around, no red on that side.

I got ready to throw the ball at the exact same moment I saw a blur of yellow out of the corner of my eye.

Instead of having time to aim my throw, I chucked it to the right hoop, as the Keeper was on the left side.

I saw the quaffle fly through the hoop, and raised my right fist in a short celebration.

After a couple more minutes of blindly trying to get more points for Gryffindor a feeling of dread came swooping in at me.

"Go, Y/n, go!" my mother's voice rang in my ears.

No, not the dementors! Not here, not now!

I tried to keep the thoughts of that day out of my head, but I could sense some where closer to me than I wanted.

Other bad memories came flooding in. Like all those times I thought I was going to die at the hands of my grandparents, or when Remus was badly hurt after a full moon and Mum tried helping with the worst of it, or the times Delilah screamed at me that she hated me, or whenever my friends were made at me and I thought they'd never what me to be their friend again.

Before I knew it I was on the ground shivering in from the cold and fear.

"Y/n," someone touched my arm.

I left out a whimper.

"Y/n, are you okay?" the voice asked again. I could tell with the deep vocal cords that the person was a male.

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