Chapter 37. The "Truth" About Sirius Black!

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This song has been on repeat none stop in my head for the past week or so. Anyway, I am so, so, so, so sorry for taking so long to get these out. But I will try. I hope you all enjoy, love you all!

Your POV

Hermione, Ron, and I were in Honeydukes, looking at treats.

"What about these?" Ron said, grabbing a jar of Cockroach Cluster.

"Defiantly not," a voice behind us said.

We all jumped and spun around.

"Harry!" I gasped.

"How'd you get here?" Hermione asked. "How - how did you get out?"

Ron looked impressed. "you've learned to Apparate!"

"Of course I haven't," Harry responded sassily. Then he dropped his voice and explained about the Marauder's Map. A magical map that my dad, Harry's dad, our new teacher, and a rat made. Something that I had already knew about, but didn't share the information about it with my friends.

"How come Fred and George never gave it to me?" Ron whined when Harry finished. "I'm their brother!"

"Harry isn't going to keep it," Hermione said, as if she was demanded he handed it in. "He's going to hand it into Professor McGonagall, aren't you, Harry?"

"No, I'm not," Harry snapped.

As Hermione and Harry argued my gaze drifted to a certain grey eyed someone out of the shop window. 

Cedric Diggory was talking to Miss. Cho Chang, the Ravenclaw Seeker. He was blushing a lot.

I took a mental note to tease him about it later.

What a good friends I am.

"See?" Ron said loudly, jerking me from my daydreaming, and pointing to a sign. "I'd like to see Black get through all those dementors."

"He gotten through them once already," I said darkly.

They turned to me as if to say, 'What the fuck?'

"It was a joke," I defend myself, putting up my hands in false surrender.

"It wasn't very funny," huffed Hermione, walking out of the building.

"Come on, Hermione," I whined, following her, "it was a joke!"


Harry's POV

As we entered the three broomsticks, I grew considerably warmer, and looked around.

Because of the cold weather practically everyone from Hogwarts was in here trying to get warm.

"That's Madam Rosmerta," Ron told me. "I'll go grab us drinks."

"Ron fancies her," Y/n whispered in my ear when Ron was out of hearing range. "Come on, let's go find a spot to sit, shall we?"

We venture to a table by a window, and next to a nice little Christmas tree. Ron returns a few minutes later with four tankard of butterbeer.

"Happy Christmas," he said, while raising the tankard.

I sipped the beverage a bit, and the second it hit my tongue I realized that I might have faallen in love with this drink.

"Like it, Harry?" Y/n asked with a laugh.

I looked at her over my tankard, and rolled my eyes at her. She just smirked, and went back to her own butterbeer.

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