Chapter 67. Captain Johnson!

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3rd POV

On the morning of Friday, the day of Gryffindor Quidditch Tryouts, anyone who was trying out for the team was looking quite anxious, hoping that they would get one of the positions.

Only one person who was trying out didn't look anxious, Y/n Black.

"How?" Ron said, staring woozily at his food.

"How, what?" Hermione asked, confused by Ron's random question.

"Y/n, how are you not nervous?" Ron croaked, looking up to Y/n who was across from him.

Y/n paused and hesitated to reply with, "I am. I'm just better at hiding it than most people are."

"That's concerning," Harry mumbled.

Y/n shrugged and went back to her food. She needed to stay calm, and hiding her nervous helped with it. She knew it wasn't good to do that, but it's hard to stop old habits.


"Good luck," Harry wished Ron and Y/n as they went their own ways. Harry to his detention and Ron, Hermione, and Y/n to the Quidditch pitch.

"Thanks, mate," Ron said, his voice weak from nervousness.

"Harry," Y/n spoke, "I hope you know that Angelina will only get a new Seeker if Viktor Krum is out there. You know that she'll beg you to be her seeker."

Harry gave her the best smile he could muster, and turned around and walked towards Umbridge's office.

"Come on, we don't want to be late to the tryouts," Y/n urged the other two to get moving. "I don't want Angelina to think that we're going to be late to every practice."

The three of them started on their way to the changing rooms, where Hermione would leave them to get a seat in the stands. They walked in silence for quite a while until Ron asked Y/n something that has been on his mind for want felt like the longest time.

"Y/n?" Y/n looked at him, her eyebrow raised to express that she was curious. "Do you really think I'm going to make the team?"

"Of course," Y/n assured him. "Ron, I've played quidditch with you before, I know how good you are. And I know that Angelina will see how great you will be for the team. Have faith in yourself, Ron, I know that you'll do great today."

Ron smiled weakly, "Thanks, Y/n."


Your POV

"What took you so long to get here, Black?" someone asked from behind me as I stood in the middle of the Quidditch pitch with the other people trying out.

I turned around and saw George, looking at me like he asked the question. I assumed he did, because it was his voice that asked me.

"We had to drop off Harry for his detention with the toad," I said, with a roll of my eyes.

George chuckled and walked closer to me. "So he won't be here for tryouts?"

"No," I replied, looking up at him. "You gonna miss him that much, Weasley?" I teased.

George threw his head back and laughed, startling a few people around us. When they saw who it was making the commotion they turned around, as it is completely normal for one of the Weasleys to me making a racket.

"Oh, definitely," George said, smiling widely. There was a big gap of silence in between the two of us until George asked, "Are you trying out for chaser again?"

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