Chapter 3: Guts

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Chapter 3: Guts

"Hey? You alive in there?" the voice says from the radio.

Rick starts to stand up, but ends up hitting his head on the top of the tank. When he recovers from the hit, he starts walking over to the radio. He picks up the walkie and communicates back.

"Hello? Hello?"

"There you are," the voice says, letting out a sigh of relief. "I've been wondering," he says.

"Where are you?" Rick asks the man. "Outside? Can you see me right now?"

"Yeah, I can see you. You're surrounded by walkers. That's the bad news."

"There is good news?" Rick asks the voice.

"No," the man says.

"Listen, whoever you are, I don't mind telling you, we are a little concerned in here," Rick says to the man in a frustrated voice.

"Oh man, you should see it from over here. You're having a major freak out."

"Got any advice?" Rick says sarcastically.

"Yeah, I'd say make a run for it," the man says.

I reach over to Rick and yank the walkie out of his hand, "that's it? Make a run for it?"

"It's not as dumb as it sounds. You two have eyes on the outside here," that voice says back. "There's one still up on the tank, but the others have joined the feeding frenzies where the horse went down, you with me so far?"

"So far," Rick says back to him.

"OK, the street on the other side of the tank is less crowded. If you guys move now while they are distracted, you stand a chance. You got ammo?" the man says.

"In that duffle bag that I dropped out there. I got guns too. Can I get to the bag?" Rick asks

"No time for that, it's not an option. What do you have on you?" the man asks.

"Hang on," Rick says before reaching down to the gun that he found on the walker and checking how many bullets were in there. He then quickly crawls over to the dead walker, checking in the pockets of its uniform for an extra bullets. He doesn't find any, but when he looks up, he sees a grenade. He looks up at me, and hands it to me. I gently place it in my pocket, afraid of what the outcome would be if it blew up.

"Yeah, I got one clip, fifteen rounds, and the girl in here with me has a bow that she is pretty good with," Rick says.

"Make them count. Jump off the right side of the tank. Keep going in that direction. There is an alley up the street, maybe fifty yards. Be there," the voice says.

Rick takes in what he says before asking, "Hey, what's your name?"

"Have you been listening? You're running out of time."

Rick then grabs the shovel hanging up on the side of the tank. I get my bow at the ready. We take a few breaths and then I pull off the top of the tank, jumping out. Right when I open the door, I see a bald walker with a bloody plaid shirt. I quickly grab the knife that I kept in the sock and stab the walker in the forehead.

I climb down the tank and then jump onto the street, I turn around and see Rick besides me. We continue running and I am shooting the arrows that I have at the walkers that are advancing us. I look behind me and see that Rick is limping. I turn back around and continue shooting walkers that are coming our way. We continue to run down the side walk, until I turn down an alleyway and see a Korean man with a red hat on.

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