Chapter 7: Wildfire

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Chapter 7: Wildfire

After everyone calmed down from the walkers attack, Rick and Dale told everyone to go to sleep and that they would take watch.

Instead of going to Daryl's tent like I had done the previous night, I decide that I will sleep on the ground, under the stars. I take a sleeping bag from one of our fallen, and lay it out by the fire.

I closed my eyes, waiting for sleep to come, but it never did.
The next morning, I get out of the sleeping bag and see Andrea by the RV still by her sisters' side. I have been up since dawn helping everyone bring the dead that were in our camp to the graves that Jim dug when we were away. The walkers that came into the camp were burned.

Daryl uses the axe and slams it into the walkers head, making sure it was dead before T-Dog and I pick it up and throw it into the burning fire with the rest of the walkers.

After we get the last of the walkers in the back of the truck, I walk over and sat around the fire pit.

"She still won't move?" Rick asks, walking up to Dale.

"Won't even talk to us," Lori says, looking at the ground.

"She's been there all night," I say, looking over at Andrea who was sitting by her sister. "What do we do?"

"We can't just leave Amy like that." Shane speaks up. "We need to deal with it, same as the others."

Rick simply nods, "I'll tell her how it is," and walks over to Andrea.

When Rick reaches her, he was about to sit next to her, but she pulls out a silver pistol and holds it to Ricks head.

"I know how the safety works," she says emotionless to Rick.

He nods slowly. "Aright, OK, I'm sorry," he says, putting his hand up signalling for Andrea to put the gun down, backing away. When Rick reaches me, he stops walking and Andrea put down the gun. Andrea turns back to her sister, continuing to look down at her, hoping she would move.

"You can't be serious," Daryl says. "We can't let that girl hamstring us. That dead girl is a time bomb."

"What do you suggest?" Rick asks.

Daryl walks up to Rick. "Take the shot, clean, in the brain, from here," Daryl says, using his hand to motion over to Amy's dead body. "Hell, I can get a shot from this distance."

"No," Lori says, firmly. "For god sakes, let her be."

Rick and Shane look at each other, agreeing with Lori. Daryl walks off in frustration.

"A walker got him, a walker bit Jim," Jacqui calls out, stepping away from him. Shane, Rick and I stand up, walking over to Jim. Everyone starts surrounding him.

"Show it to us," Daryl calls out, I walk over to him. "Show it to us."

Jim walks over to the shovel, picking it up and waving it around, making sure no one gets close to him.

Jims back is turned to T-Dog and he runs behind him, holding his hands behind his back while Daryl lifts up his shirt, showing everyone Jims bite.

"I'm OK, I'm OK, I'm OK," Jim repeats.

"I say we put a pick axe in his head," Daryl says as Shane, Morales, T-Dog, Carol, Jacqui, Rick, Lori, Dale and I stand in a circle. "And the dead girls. Then we'd be done with this."

"Is that what you want? If that were you?" Shane asks, looking at Daryl.

"Yeah I would and I'd thank you while you were doing it."

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