Chapter 23: Beside the Dying Fire

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Chapter 23: Beside the Dying Fire

"Rick and Shane aren't back?" I ask the group as Glenn, Daryl, and I walk in the front door of the house.

"No," Lori says back pacing around the front hallway.

"We heard a shot," Daryl says to her in a confused tone.

"Maybe they found Randel," Lori suggests.

"We found Randel," Daryl tells her.

"Is he back in his shed?" Carol asks.

"He's a walker," I tell her.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asks.

"No, the funny thing is, he wasn't bit," Glenn tells everyone.

"His neck was broke," Daryl says. "The funny thing is, Shane's and Randel's tracks were right on top of each other, and Shane ain't no tracker, so he didn't come up from behind him. No, they were together."

"Will you please go back out there and find Rick and Shane and find out what on earth is going on," Lori asks, stepping up to Daryl,

"You got it," Daryl says before side stepping Lori and walking out of the house. As Daryl passes me, he quickly grabs my hand and gives it a squeeze before dropping it and walking out the door.


Walking out to the porch with Daryl, Glenn, and Andrea, I notice the sound of growling and moaning. We reach the edge of the porch and look out, seeing that Hershel's fields were filled with walker. Tons of walkers, walking towards the farm house.

The rest of the group walks out onto the porch, seeing the hordes of walkers too.

"Patricia, get the lights," Hershel whispers to Patricia and she runs back into the house.

"I'll get the guns," Andrea tells us.

"Maybe they will just pass like the herd on the highway did," Glenn suggests. "Do we just go inside?"

"Not unless there's a tunnel downstairs that I don't know about, a herd that size will rip the house down," Daryl says, still looking out at the walkers in the field.

"Carls gone," Lori says out of breath when she gets out to the porch.

"What?" I ask.

"Maybe he's hiding," Glenn inputs.

"He's supposed to be upstairs, I'm not leaving without my boy," Lori rushes out.

"We're going to look again and we're going to find him," Carol tells Lori as she grabs her arm and pulls her into the house.

Andrea comes back out onto the porch with the bag of guns, handing one to each of us.

"Maggie," Glenn says to her, shocked that she's getting a gun for herself.

"You grow up in the country, you learn a thing or two," Maggie says to Glenn, knowing what he was thinking.

"They've got the numbers," Daryl says, looking out at the walkers.

"You can go if you want," Hershel says to Daryl, loading his gun.

"You can take them all on?" Daryl asks.

"We've got guns," Hershel says, readying his gun. "We've got cars."

"We can kill as many as we can," Andrea says. "And we can use the cars to lead the rest of them off the farm.

"Are you serious?" I ask, equally as shocked that everyone is willing to fight against hundreds of walkers.

"This is my farm," Hershel says. "I'll die here."

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