Chapter 17: Pretty Much Dead Already

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Chapter 17: Pretty Much Dead Already

The next morning we are all sitting around the morning fire while Carol walks around sliding extra food onto everyone's plate.

Glenn had told Dale that I knew about walkers being in the barn and they are planning on telling the rest of the group.

Glenn stands up and walks to the front of the circle. "Um, guys," he speaks up, getting our attention. "So, the barn is full of walkers."

Everyone snap their heads up, looking at Glenn with disbelief.


Shane walks up to the doors of the barn, looking into the cracks.

"You cannot tell me you're alright with this," Shane says, walking back to Rick.

"I'm not, but we are guests here, this isn't our land," Rick says to him.

"For God sake," Shane sighs.

"Lower your voice," Glenn says to them.

"We can't just sweep this under the rug," Andrea says.

"It's not right," T-Dog adds.

"We've got to go in there and make things right, or we've just got to go now," Shane says to Rick as he paces. "We have been talking about Fort Benning for a while now," Shane adds, but is cut off my Rick.

"We can't go."

"Why Rick, why?" Shane asks.

"Cause my daughter is still out there," Carol says, stepping up.

"Carol," Shane sighs. "I think it's about time that we start to consider the other possibilities."

"Shane," I snap at him for being inconsiderate.

"I'm close to finding this girl, I just found her damn doll," Daryl says to Shane, stepping up.

"It's not her doll, Daryl, you just found a doll," Shane snaps back at him.

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about," Daryl says, stepping up closer to Shane, Daryl's anger rising.

"Just because you think you get your first good lead, you think it's her," Shane yells at Daryl. "Let me tell you something else. If she was alive out there and she saw you coming all methd out with your buck knife and geek ears around your neck, she would run in the opposite direction," Shane yells at Daryl. Daryl lungs for Shane, but Rick gets in the middle of them, separating them. I walks forward, grabbing the back of Daryl's' shirt, tugging on it slightly, getting him to step back.

"Keep your hands off me," Shane says, pointing to Lori who is pulling Shane back.

"Now just let me talk to Hershel," Rick says to Shanes retreating figure. "Let me figure it out."

"And what are you going to figure out," Shane yells, turning back around. Lori gets in the middle of them, pushing Shane back again.

"If we're gonna stay, if we're gonna clear this barn, I have to talk him into it, this is his land," Rick says to Shane, motioning to the barn.

"Hershel sees those things in there as people," Dale explains, walking up to Rick. "Sick people--his wife, his step-son."

"You knew?" Rick asks Dale.

Dale nods. "Yesterday, I talked to Hershel."

"And you waited the tonight?" Shane asks, getting angry at Dale.

"I thought we could survive one more night, we did," Dale says to Shane. "I was waiting until this morning to say something, but Glenn wanted to be the one."

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