Chapter 21

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Long wait, don't hate✌


Piper's POV

It'd be too long, too long since I heard his voice, the withdrawals were more extensive and painful than any oher thing I'd put myself through. I longed for his soft loving touch, if I focused hard enough at night I could still feel his fingers trailing up and down my arm. I longed for his sweet and thoughtful gestures that filled me with wonder and amazement at how such a person could walk this earth. His presence had completely left me, finalizing the fear of being alone. All I had was my thoughts and imagination,  which wasn't sufficient. 

My nights a few weeks ago consisted of only deep peaceful sleep next to him. Now, I endure hours on hours if endless thoughts and possibilities and blank ceilings. On few nights when I would get a slim hour or two of rest, he'd inhabitant my dreams, the dreams that he'd fill with our loving memories and cliche moments, so bone chilling I'd would wake up in a puddle of my own tears and regrets.

I missed him, that's what it boiled down too. I'd been relying on the saying ignorance is bliss to guide me blindly through these past weeks. The hurt and absence scattered evenly throughout my entire being, making it a constant feeling in every aspect in my physical and mental body.

Marion and Riley eventually gave up and just allowed me to coexist in their house with them. It was another blow to my heart to see two people that were so delicately and perfectly put together.

They exuded love, they were love. I couldn't just dwell on the fact I was living with a overly affectionate couple who had a problem keeping their hands off each other. A few nights ago they had finally announced that they were adopting a small ethopian child. Of course with this announcement they threw a party, which I was urged to join and socialize but coward in my room.

This morning upon me removing myself from the warm and comforting confines of my bed I noticed we were out of food. And I didn't know what posed me bbut I had volunteered to go out and get more which received strange looks and praises and false promises that maybe the fresh air would help. It didnt.

I kept my head down as I staggered down the sidewalk. Not paying the slightest attention on who I was passing or where I was.  It was now the beautiful beginning of spring which should be enjoyed but I barely gave it a second thought. I just stared blankly at the cracks in the sidewalk and entered my mind.

Harry's POV

My head hurt, but not as bad as my heart. You're a wimp. You weren't suppose to feel this way. Fool my subconscious spat. "Shut the fuck up" I groaned and lightly hit the wall that I was perched up aganist. I knew my sanity had washed down the drain along with everything I'd tried to eat. My eyes a constant puffy red, the faint taste of salt lingered on my lips from my recent crying session. That was my life, alcohol, trips to the bathroom to empty my stomach, and crying myself numb. A knock on the door brought my ever phasing attention to the turning knob.

My eyes closed as I felt a hand on my forehead.

"Fuck Harry. " Her voice spoke fill off worry and anguish.

"Go away Riley." I swatted in the air as she chuckled and opened her bag.

"No way in hell, your dying, she's dying this needs to stop." She rushed out, shoving a water bottle in my hand. My eyes shot open at the thought if her going through pain.

"Is she okay?" I straighrb my back up and get my heart speed up. But her next words killed me.

"No. She's not-" she spoke softly so softly I almost didn't hear her.

"Oh my god this is a my fault what's wrong with her? has she done anything bad to herself? Fuck Ri I need to see her." 

"Slow it down." I didn't listen to her though as I jumped up and grabbed my coat and ran toawrds the door I turned back to meet her eyes an received a nod of compliance and "she's at the store downtown."

I needed to see her I needed to make sure she is okay. I needed to get my girl back.

Probably double updating tonight

I love you let's get to 1000 we can do it I know it.

As always,

Much love,

-A xxxx

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