Chapter 15

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Late double update, hit that vote button now!!! For me? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee


"I got it! Harry look!" My pony tail swing back and forth as I ran towards him. He looked up at me, a smile instantly on his beautiful face.

I showed him the picture of the perfect sunset I had taken. He grinned from ear to ear.

"That's great baby! It looks amazing!"   He praised. I was genuinely proud of my work. We've been in Stockholm for about a month now, and I was quickly falling in love with photography. And Harry my subconscious added. The sun beamed down on us and we explored and photographed the wild life, the beautiful bay had just experienced a one of a kind sun set that I was lucky enough to get a picture of.

"Ready to go? I've gotten all my pictures." Harry spoke from behind me. I nodded and sent him a thumbs up but refocused my camera on a small bird on the steps of a building. I heard a snap for behind me.

I turned around to be met with a smiling Harry.

"What did you just do?" I pondered. The light breeze blowing the strans of my red hair that didn't make it into the pony tail.

"Nothing, your just so stunnigly beautiful I just had to take a picture."

My cheeks instantly flushed, I brought up my camera and took a picture of Harry. He made a funny face and I snapped a picture of that. His smile was contagious, and his laugh heart warming.

"Your so sweet you goofball." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

"Only for you babe." We strolled down the street cameras in the hands what weren't attached to eachother.

"Remind me to call my uncle when I get to my room okay?" Harry nodded. But slowly came to a hault pulling me with him.

"Are you okay Harry?" He seemed in deep thought. I rested my hand in his shoulder and he relaxed under my touch.

"What's wrong?" I put my hand on his cheek and he rolled to my touch and sighed.

"What's the date?" He mumbled.

"Um I believe it's the 23rd, why?" I searched his eyes for any emotion but found nothing. 

This seemed  to upset him as a flash sadness was shown in his eyes. It broke my heart knowning that something out there had effect him so negatively.

"It doesn't matter Pip let's go." He snapped.

"It obiviously matters Harry, so just tell me." I grabbed his arm and yanked him back so he couldn't walk away from me.

"Just drop it." He sighed. Anger alive behind those beautiful green eyes. I meekly nodded, not wanting to anger him any further. We had, had a good day so far and I wasn't going to let my curiosity ruin it. But I couldn't help but notice how he radiated anger. You could see how on edge he was by the way he walked. His wouldn't even look at me as he purposely kept his pace a little bit faster than mine. I didn't make a scene though knowning that's what he was trying to get me to do. I noticed the way his hands curled into fist that he was mind daring me to say something.  This only fueled the small pit of anger in me. I was his girlfriend, not a child. He was throwing a tantrum over something, that I was unaware of because of his secretive ass. Not today no sir. I caught up to him and looked at him as he kept his eyes on the sidewalk.

"If you wanna act like a child, two can play at that." And with that I strutted away. My wild hair blowing behind me as I tiled me chin up a little more than usual to show how bothered I truly was.

We were silent on the elevator. And once we reached our floor, we simultaneously stepped out and angryly walked down the hallway in sync. Xander was coming from the vending machine,  and before he could speak Harry silenced him.

"Not now, Redneck Robby." And he slammed my hotel door. I didn't even have time to apologize, but I was too upset to even say sorry.

We moved quietly around the room, Harry slumped on the couch with a huff and I slammed the door with a 'hmmp'. I knew the two of us were acting like children but I didn't care. I was hurt he didn't want to share things with me.

I didn't need to know everything but I cared for Harry and when something was bothering him I wanted to find out what it was and be there for him and he wouldn't even let me do that.

I shut my eyes and tried to get a little bit of sleep. Wanting a little angry man to join me in the big bed and cuddle and whisper nothings in my ear til I feel into a peaceful slumber.


"Pippy?" His voice croaked. I blinked my eyes and looked over at the clock noticing it was only 3:18am. I sighed and sat up to see a red eyed tear stained Harry. All the anger and hurt evaporated instantly when I saw his sniffling state. His bottom lip slightly quivering. And a blanket tucked under his arm.

"Baby..." I trailed off, he broke into sobs and threw his body onto mine. I ran my fingers through his hair as he cried into my chest.

"Shh, Shh it's okay your okay." I cooed to him. I let him cry until he was reduced to sniffles and no hiccups. 

"What happened?" I questioned. His glossy green eyes met mine as he shook his head.

" I don't wanna talk about it" His whispered. "Please just hold me." I nodded and wrapped my arms tighter around him. He snuggled his head into the crook of my neck and pressed a soft kiss there. I dragged my fingers slowly over his exposed skin to calm him. He brought the covers up and tucked them under his chin. " Talk to me, please tell me a story to get my mind off of it." I gazed lovingly down at the broken boy in my arms. I pushed the hair away from his face and agreed.

" Once upon a time, there was a young boy with bright green eyes and he loved running around, he loved playing and being free. But he knew thag alot of people weren't free. And that made him very very sad. And was so lonely but  one day when he was running he entered a cave where he met a girl with sad blue eyes. And he told her he'd take care of her and he would make her happy. She was so scared but she took the little green eyed boys hand. And he did it, he made her happy, and she loved him and when they got older he loved her too. And they got married and they lived happily ever after." I finshed. I could feel his eyes on my face.

"My dad died a few years ago, on this day." He whispered. My heart dropped. I cradled his face and ducked down and pressed my lips to his forehead.

"I'm so sorry, I bet you adored you." I consoled. 

"Oh he did" Harry's eyes lit up, and a smile graced his face.

" He used to pick me up from school, and we'd go get ice cream and he would tell me not to tell mom and I remember when I couldn't pronounce my 's's right so one day he took me to the bank and the lady asked what I wanted and I said I'd take a 'fucker' when I ment a sucker. And he bough a whole bag of suckers and took me to all his friends and made me say fucker." Harry laughed and I laughed too.

"Your too cute." I mumbled sleep taking over me.

" Sleep baby thank you." He kissed my cheek and rolled over so that we were spooning. And I swear before I fell into a deep sleep I heard his whisper.

"I'll make you happy Pippy I promise."

Awh Harry :(

Double update my love's


As always,

Much love,

- A xoxo

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