Chapter 10

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Long and overdo, thank you for your kind messages. I love you guyss so sweet


After parting ways with the two women, me and Harry ventured out onto the less crowded streets. Harry's hand entangled itself with my own, and my heart beat increased so much I could feel it in my fingertips. A large, genuine, smile plastered itself onto my face. The way he made me feel still baffled me.

He was different than everyone else, he didn't have to try, just being Harry, made him perfect. I was so glad that my stupid uncle made me go on this pointless adventure.

The cold weather was perfect for the moment. I gazed around, noticing the lack of people on the street. I leaned my head onto his shoulder and he smiled down at me.

"You're amazingly beautiful" His voice echoed off the brick buildings that passed us. I looked up to the green eyes that had transfixed me this entire trip. The way the soft brittle breeze blew his curls only a little bit. The small smile carved out by his full pink lips. I pushed myself up onto my tippy toes and pecked those lips.

We parted and he shot me a big dazzling smile, dimples dotting his cheeks. I laughed and a shooked my head.

"You're something else that's for sure"

"Let me walk you to your room okay?" He didn't wait for my answer as we stopped in front of my hotel.

The lobby was incredibly crowded, but one voice stood out to me.

"Now listen here, I need a room and I need on tonight. I apologize for any inconvenience ma'am but I've been on a plane for at least 12 hours"

I left Harry's side and ran towards the familiar voice.


"Miss Pippy!"

We clashed together in a warm hug. I heard those boots approaching us followed by a cough. I wiggled out of Xander's embrace, and grabbed his forearm.

"Harry this is Xander, friend and coworker" Harry's brows were furrowed as he politely shook Xander's hand.

"Your American as well? No one could miss the accent"

"Ha! Yeah pal, I get that alot. What's I get for being from Texas moving across the pond"

Harry only nodded an emotion on his face I couldn't understand. Was he upset, he was obviously bothered"

Harry and Xander carried on with their small talk as I watched them both.

Xander tall and handsome, his blonde hair enticing his crystal blue eyes. His lips moved quickly with each syllable that escaped his red thin lips. A strong jaw line to match his chiseled features. Even though he had been on a long and adrous plane ride, he showed no evidence of being tired, no dark circles, nothing.

While Harry lean, dark, and beautiful. The polar opposite of Xander. His breathtaking green eyes clothed by dark long lashes. His signature chocolate curls, lose and full. The cold slightly making his nose and cheeks turn pink. The small spaced out freckles on his face that clustered around his nose. His effortlessly perfect looking eyebrows I was sure he never does anything to. His jawline so sharp I felt as if I looked at it for too long it would cut its way into my heart. They both we're undeniably perfect, yet so different.

Suddenly they both were examining my face expectedly.


They both chuckled simultaneously. Which caused quite a startled look from me. Why was I comparing Harry and Xander?

" Pippy we we're just talking about how you and Harry here ditched class today" again they both chuckled but I couldn't find anything funny in that sentence.

I meekly nodded, a ghost of a smile at my face at their humor in the situation. Soon we were all laughing to the point of stomach clutching.

I snapped my head up, "Xander why on earth are you here?"

His face instantly went red, "Uh well see, I told you I was coming after a few days remember? " His voice was shaky and rehearsed.

I couldn't seem to remember him ever telling me anything of that matter. I shook my head, and opened my mouth.

But he cut me off "Probably can't remember, you were a little bit wild that night, but I really must go, I'm incredibly tired, it was nice to meet you pal see you soon." And with that he went down to the elevator.

Harry tugged on my arm and led to me one of the elevators, and once at my room he kissed my cheek and promised of a call and for me to have a good night. And with that we parted ways.

Anonymous' POV (oh shit)

I watched as the three of them left the lobby, the blonde traveling up to the left elevator. While the couple stayed for an exchange of words. It was working. They didn't notice me on the same floor as them as I took the stairs. We had them right were we wanted them. And they knew it.







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