Chapter 24

24 4 0

We are so close to the goal. Oh my god. Expect a spam of updates. Sweet Jesus


P.s just a little bit of a warning it gets kinda steamyy

*smirks like a pervert*

P.p.s that picture tho.

Pipers POV

I hoped out of the shower and wrapped the soft white towel tightly around my body.

I searched for my phone but was unable to find it.

"Harry..?" I called out

"What babe?" He responded, my heart fluttered at the way it rolled off his tongue and was formed by his accent and delivered by his sweet voice.

"My phone have you seen it?" I questioned, still going through the entire room desperately searching for my one true love.

"No I don't recall you ever having it actually." I heard his footsteps approaching.

"Ughhh dammit! It doesn't have legs!" I huffed, I pushed my wet locks behind my ear and pulled my towel up again.

My eyes darted up to view the muscular man leaning against the door frame wickedly smirking at me.

I placed my hands on my his and smiled back at him.

"Care to help me?" I asked still smiling.

He shook his head and shrugged his shoulders and nonchalantly said "I like the view from here."

My mouth fell open and a warm blush creeped it's way onto my cheeks. I swatted my hand and him and faced away, bending over to check under the bed.

Suddenly I felt two arms snake around my waist, I yelped with surprise as little kisses were peppered onto my neck.

"I like it when you bend over." He whispered his hot breath hitting my ear, sending shivers down my spine. I took my lip between my teeth as his lips continued their assault on my neck.

My eyes rolled back into my head as those plump like found my sweet spot and softly began to suck.  His hands roamed my towel covered body as the temperature in the room skyrocketed.

"Let's take this off yeah?" He seductively spoke, luring me into his trance and turning all my emotions on full blast. I meekly nodded still under his mind blowing spell and still recovering from the love on my neck.

The towel slowly slid down my body exposing me to him for the first time.

He sucked in a breath as his eyes selfishly took in my features. He, himself got stuck in a trance, both of us so infatuated with each other it was bound to happen.

As fast as missiles his lips attacked my body once again. Leaving kisses everywhere and my fingers worked themselves into his hair and tugged gently.

He groaned at the action, turned on. I untangled my fingers from his hand and they soon went to work on his button up that confine his chest from me.

I whined when the last few buttons wouldn't come undone.

"Eager are we?" He teased and placed a small kiss too my nose. I giggle and pushed the shirt off his broad shoulders.

His lips connected with mine in such a fiery passion that I was sure the buldimg was on fire. Our tounges battling for dominance, as explored each other for the first time.

I moaned as the contact from his lips left and returned on a more sensitive spot. During this entire ordeal he had somehow removed his pants and moved us to the bed.

With him in between my legs and his hovering above me I appreciated he feautures for what seemed like the thousandth time.

"You're so beautiful." He spoke, my cheeks reheating and getting more inflamed as I came down from the high Harry had taken me too.

Gazing up at each other, Harry leaning in to once again reconnect out lips, but this bliss was interrupted but the ringing of my phone.

I shot straight up, knocking heads with Harry and scrambling off the bed, nude.

"Christ Pip."Harry whined hand resting on his forhead.

I pulled my phone from under the mattress and looked at my phone with a frown.


I'm in the bathroom, in the dark. I had to set to mood, this was just a intro into the sexual side of this book if you don't like it don't read it ! haha no keep reading. I tried to keep it PG as possible and I didn't even use the word nipple. Go me. AS I SAID BEFORE WERE SO CLOSE TO THE FRAKING GOAL I'M GONNA PEE!


As always,

Much love,

-A xxxx

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