Chapter 13

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I love you guys so much, we not only hit the goal but went past it. So for christmas lets get to 600? Can we do that? Please remember to vote, comment. ENJOY!


I starred down at the sparkling emerald eyes that I so deeply care for. Without even a second though or slight hesitation,  I nodded my head and threw my arms around his neck and crashed our lips together.

There was an emotion behind his kiss that I couldn't see. I didn't pay it much attention though as Harry consumed my every thought. He was all I needed and to finally confirm the fact that he felt the same way for me, as I did him made my heart flutter.

In the middle of a public, crowded skating rink, he kissed me with so much passion it made my knees weak. His hands found the middle section of my back, and he mindlessly drew circles there, but with each small movement, electric sensations flowed through my veins.

His lips were something I wanted to memorize, they were like christmas. They were something special, and I cherished every moment try were pressed against mine.

He pulled away and I whimpered, I needed his touch, my body craved his touch. I pouted my lips but allowed a smile to grace my lips. He grabbed my hand and led me towards the exit.

"I can't believe you said yes" He looked down at our hands. I squeezed his hand.

"Oh course I said yes, I like you"

His eyes peered at my face, and I sent him proud smile and swung our hands. I trailed behind him a few steps and watched the way the muscles in his back tensed and released as he walked towards his car.

Happiness spread throughout my body as I could finally call him my own. He turned to face me, and his huge hand gestured to the open passenger door.

My flats made soft padding noises as I made my way and climbed in. We didn't speak, we didn't need words. The comfortable silence filled the car as his hand rested on my knee.

"So where are we going now?" My soft voice broke the silence. 

He hummed and turned to look at me giving me his full attention. "What did you say baby?"

My heart fluttered and beat erratically, at the pet name. He smirked seeing my cheeks heat up.

I coughed akwardly, and repeated my question. "Where are we going now?"

"To a fancy dinner I have reservations for." He spoke with pride, I noticed the way his nose crinkled up and the small smile on his face, got a little bit bigger.

"Ah reservations eh? Fancy man, what if I had said no?" I teased.

"Pff, Pip I knew you were going to say yes, and if on the slight chance said no, I'd kidnap you and we've have dinner anyway." We busted out laughing at the thought of Harry trying to kidnap me.

"I'd knock you on your ass in two seconds" Harry slammed his hands on the wheel out of laugher.

"I know you would baby, I know you would."

Silence filled the car again, only to be interupted by little droplets of rain falling on to the windshield.

"Awh why!" Harry protested. I grabbed one of his hands from the wheel and brought it up to my lips and pressed a soft kiss to his knuckles. 

"It's okay baby." His cheeks instantly lit up bright pink. Mine did too as soon as I relied that I had indeed called him 'baby'.

" I'm sorry-" He shook his head in revolt silencing me.

"It's okay, I like it" on again my cheek flushed in embarrassment. My confidence quickly leaving my body. Which was strange to me, seeing as though I was naturally a confident and loud person. Buts that's just another thing Harry can do to me.

"Great just great" Harry muttered. Those plump pink lips settling into a pout.

"I'm sure they have a roof at the restaurant Harold. It's not big deal" He continued to whine about the weather which i hough was adorble, he was such a perfectionist. 

"I wanted it to be perfect" His statement confirmed my thoughts. I only chuckled and intertwined my fingers and leaned up to play with the radio.

After trying to find some channles, which only resluted in crappy pop music and giggles from the driver seat at my frustration. 

Suddenly a clap of thunder startled me and Harry as the rain got harder, making louder noises on the windshield,  Harry turned on the wipers and switched on the radio again.

" Breaking new, an out of no where powerful thunderstorm is in your area, we recommend getting someplac-"

Harry switch to CD without anndnd. Other to the weather warning on the radio, the words of caught in my throat to tell him to listen to that, it looked pretty bad outside. But I swallowed my words as Harry flipped to a song that was anndnd to familar to me and began to tap his fingers softy to the beat in the wheel. The rings on his fingers making strange sounds as they connected with the soft leather. I smiled and focused on the music playing.

Ingrid Michael son's voice flowed through the speakers

Baby you've got the sort of hands to rip me apart

And baby you've got the sort of face to start this old heart

But your eyes are warning me this early morning

That my love's too big for you my love


"Oh fuck! Piper!"

I snapped my eyes to look st garry but they locked on the rapidly approaching headlights, and I  heard the screeching of car tires, Harry's arm slammed me back into the seat and his screams were the only thing I heard as I went unconscious.  

So obviously we can conclude that I like leaving you guys in suspense....hehehe

Were now at 477 and I love you to the moon and back please get me to 500 tonight pleaseeee.


As Always,

Much love,

- A xxxx

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