Chapter 6

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I stared at Harry with wide eyes.  I felt like a deer in headlights. Harry stood infront of me, he appered to be frozen as well. His mouth slightly agape, his hand stretched out reaching for me. I connected my eyes with his, his eyes showed sorrow and regret. I watched the way his mouth formed the words he spoke to me. "Piper I'm so sorry, I just- fuck I didn't mean to yell at you."

I only nodded, my eyes still lingering on his lips, he stepped towards me and enveloped me into a hug.

"I-I don't have any excuses, I thought you were leaving, I don't like it when people leave" His eyes wouldn't met mine, as if he was ashamed he didn't want me to leave.

"But why?" I asked. He sighed "It doesn't matter" he hugged me tighter.


He looked so soft in that moment, so much like a little boy. I grabbed his chin and slowly pulled his face towards mine. So I could finally see what he was feeling through those jade green windows of his. Once our eyes locked, I knew this felt right. I can't believe I wanted to leave. Damnit, I over think things, look at him, what if you left Jesus Piper ugh- his voice took me from my thoughts,

"I can see you thinking Pip" his lovely chuckle filled the room. He looked as if he had regained himself, and he had stopped thinking about whatever put him down. He smiled at me, "You're cute"

I blushed and put my head down, I wasn't sure what this was or what it would turn out to be, but I wanted it, it was crazy, but hell I am crazy.


"Come on back to bed, well not the sofa, we can sl-leep in my bed, you-know i-if you want" he stuttered out. I laughed at his cuteness, he was so nervious, all the sudden. This was a side of Harry that I hadn't seen before. He grabbed my hand and led me down a narrow hallway. I felt okay, I was still suspicious about all of this. But who am I to say anything.

He pulled back the covers and layed down and pulled all the soft warmth, past his shoulders and snuggled into the bed. I stood there, quite akwardly awaiting direction. He sat up, curls everywhere and patted a spot on the bed next to him. "I don't bite, I promise, I'm a good boy" he sent me a cheeky smile, both dimples on veiw.

I chuckled and shook my head and layed down next to him, immeditly he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into the covers with him. I laughed loud, and soon he began laughing too. "M' tired, goodnight" he whispered his breath on the back of my neck, it sent shivers down my spine.


No matter how hard I tired I couldn't sleep, I started to silently giggle, my body jolting with my laugher, the more I tried not laugh the more I did. I slapped my hand over my mouth in attempt to cover my laugher cause Harry was alseep. Or so I thought, soon enough I felt vibrations on my back of Harry laughing. "What's so funny?" He sputtered out. I shrugged my shoulders and uncoverd my mouth, my laugh echoing off the walls. It died down and at this point we were both wheezing.

"I like your laugh" He said out of the blue. "Well I like yours too" (a/n haha it rhymes. Okay sorry bye)

"Really?" He pondered, "Yeah I do, its loud and it fills the room, it makes me laugh too" I just stared up at the ceiling. "C-can I kiss you again? Now that I'm sober?" He began to stutter again, which was adorable. I flipped over so that I was facing him, I leaned in and fully kissed him, the world stopped it was just me and him. My hands running through his unbrushed locks, his palm snuck around my waist, pulling me closer to him. It was beautiful, there really was a reason we met, I know it. His tounge swiped my bottom lip, and I pushed on his chest, letting him know that I didn't wanna take it too far, seeing as that this was our second kiss. We pulled away, both breathless, his plump pink lips now, red and full from the kiss.

"Now I'm going to bed, goodnight Harry" I tried to roll back over but his arm held me in place. He pouted his lips and began to whine saying he wasnt tired.

"You're acting like a child Harry, goodnight" and I closed my eyes.


I could see the sunshine through my closed eyes. I groaned and rolled over, my hand making its way around the bed looking for him. The warmth of the bed, was suddenly taken away. "Get up Piper its half ten!"

"Go away satan, I did not summon you" my morning voice cracked. (Its just a pHaSE I sWEar lol its an inside joke)

He laughed an scooped me up, "No the sheets have accepted me as one of their own" I pulled on the covers as I was pulled away. "Harry if I leave, they won't accecpt me again!" He shook his head at me and drug me into the kitchen. He plopped me down onto the counter, "How do you like your tea?" He polietly asked.

"Sweet" I relpied, "You're something else Piper thats for sure, now after breakfast I'm going to take you out"

I wiggled my eyebrows and put some toast on my plate "Oh really now?" I teased.

His hand hit my butt, "Yes so buckle up love"

vote, comment, please comment for the love of god. Today is my moms birthday HAPPY BDAY MINDY. Love you guys

Much love,


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