Chapter 14

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Drop your pitch forks and torches guys I'm back. Even tho I wasn't gone.. oh whatever vote and enjoy!!
P.s Harry is a babe.

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The car swirved and screeched, and drove into the ditch. Both of us completely breathless, as we held eye contact. His eyes showed regret and desperation,  I could only imagine what mine looked like. We didn't speak, the only should was the pelting rain, and our heavy breathing.

Harry opened his mouth but soon closed it and reconnected our eyes. My hands rested on the dash board. And Harry's arm was still across my chest pushing me back into the seat. It warmed my heart at the fact that Harry would so willingly protect me.

"That was close." I whispered. Harry only nodded his green eyes now electric and wild as they dazzled back at me.

I looked out the window, only to jump at the sound of Harry's car door slamming shut. I quickly unblucked my seat belt and got out and squinted my eyes too see in the heavy rain. I saw a car parked across the parkway and Harry shoving a man up against a tree. I dashed across the parkway, earning some horn honks and yells from the traffic.

"You nearly fucking killed her!" I heard his loud voice.

"M-man I'm sorry I couldn't see I was on the phone."

"Then get off the damn phone didn't anyone every teach you anything!" I could see steam coming from Harry's ears. I finally reached them and saw a shaking little dirty man hover up against his wrecked car. His forehead bleeding. Harry's curls stuck to his face as he roughly shoved the man aganist his car again. The man's scared brown eyes locked with mine. A droplet of rain fell off my nose as I approached them.

"Harry is okay, he's injured we need to call someone." I reached out and put my hand on his shoulder.

Even through layers of clothes, I could feel Harry's heavy breathing and how tense his muscles were, like he was ready to pounce.

"He about to get really injured in a little bit." Harry snarled. And shoved the man aganist his car again. The man released a howl of pain and the blood from his forehead now almost to his mouth.

"Get out of my way." I shoved past Harry, and slapped his hand away from the man's neck. The man slumped aganist his car and released heavy gasping breath.

"Piper move, let me deal with him. " Harry spoke through gritted teeth.

"Oh hush Harry look at him, he's barely alive and may I remind you murder is in fact illegal."

I heard Harry scoff behind me and the man chuckled.  "You're so whipped little man." My now spitful hazel eyes locked with the man's brown ones.

"Who you calling little man?"Harry pushed up his hest and came up to the man.

"You!"the old man shouted back, also puffing up his chest. He was no match for my Harry. My? Yes, mine. I rolled my eyes and it was my turn to slam him up aganist the car.

"Oh shut the fuck up, or we will leave your ass here." I spat at the man. His eyes filled with surprise and respect as he took I my words.

"Mmhmm a strong woman, my apologies ma'am." The man spoke condescendingly. And he returned to his non-puffed out state.

"Ma'am is right you bastard!" Harry's voice came from behind me. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but smile. He was so cute when he was frustrated. Harry paced behind me, muttering things about the man under his breath. I would silently giggle every so often.

" Anyone I can call for you sir?" I questioned. "Are you okay?"

He nodded and glanced at Harry behind me.

" I'll be fine, young lady. Thank you." I noticed how much his car was totaled, it just ran into a ditch and hit a tree. Completely destroying it's hood. Hope he had good insurance.

I turned back only to see an upset little Harry, cheeks all red from the cold. Hair sticking up everywhere, as he angryly ran he hands though his locks.

He turned to look at me and his eyes softened as they met mine. He ran up to me and put his hand on my cheek studying my face face any injuries. " Are you okay baby? Did he hurt you? Do I need to hurt him? Cause I will, Pip I swear-" He rambled. My heart melted at how he was concerned for me.

"Harry, Harry, hush I'm fine he didn't hurt me. It's okay." He instantly relaxed and pushed my lips to his. It was a quick peck but it meant all the world to me. I loved kissing Harry, every time it got better and better.

We ran hand in hand back towards Harry's range rover. And he held the door open for me.

" Harry were wet isn't that bad for the leather seats?" I saw his visually cringe.

"Please, don't remind me about it." He hushed. I laughed and looked at him with such wonder. I'm so glad I met him.

"I'm glad I met you too doll." Harry looked at me with his signature cheeky grin, dimples on full blast. My cheeks flushed. A small playful frown on my face.

"How did you?"

"You said it out loud lovely." I nodded and shrugged my shoulders, oh well.

"We can still go to dinner, that is if your not completely traumatized about our almost wreck." He seemed very shaky as he relaeed a nervous laugh. It was almost as if  he was afraid of my answer. Was I still frighten? Yes of course who wouldn't be. But Harry seemed to have worked very hard on this date and I thought that was the sweetest thing that he tried so hard. I wouldn't pass it up for all the tea in England. 

"Of course I'm fine, let's go I'm excited to see what you have planned." I squeezed his hand for reassurance.


The car ride to the restaurant was filled with lighthearted laughter and small talk. Harry had put the car air on full blast, so we were mostly dry. Our hair were completely messed up but we couldn't find a care in the world.

"Reservations for Styles" Harry's accent wooing the hostess as she drooled over him with her bright blue eyes. Makes me sick.

But her staring at him  sparked a hint a jealously in me, I looked around around noticed around all the woman practically undressing  Harry with their eyes.

   As we walked past the thirsty twats I sent them all a nasty warning glare. Which revived multiple eyes rolls and a scoff or two. I glared harder and practially growled. These women ridiculous. Soon I heard a chuckle from Mr.Styles himself. I snapped my head towards him as he guided us to our table.

"Your cute when your jealous." Another woman walked by and winked at him. Which made me get even more angry. And I sent the woman a glare as well, and one more for good luck. Her sorry ass needed it with all the eye groping and what not. One woman blatantly walked past and whisper "call me" who the hell does that?

"Then I'm about to get fucking adorable." I muttered, Harry busted out into laughter. His eyes crinkled and he leaned back and clapped his large hands.

"It's not funny Harold." I warned a small teasing smile on my lips.

"Your right, it's hilarious." He joked. I threw my napkin at him and it hit him right in the face. His face was priceless as the cloth hit his face.

"Oh no you didn't!" He whispered-yelled. Our waiter approached and took our drink and food orders. We ate in a comfortable silence,  and only talked with our eyes. Mischievous glints of revenge and happiness flowed through our eyes. I was happy, Harry made me happy.


I love you guys so much you have no clue. But remember 600 by Christmas okay? We can do it y'all have done it before. We can do it again.

I hope you enjoyed this update it was cute to write.

As always,

Much love,

- A xxxx

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