Chapter 5

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Lol in algerbra. No worries, wattpad is more important. And i suck at everything..but writing. P.s update cause SOMEONE complained. Riley the goldfish p.p.s harry is a babe obiviously

Harry allowed me to stay over after our spur of the moment kiss. We had sobered down enough to enjoy eachothers company. We were fixated on his pull out couch watching the Pursuit of Happiness. I sat up and looked at him, my hand reached up to push a fallen curl, those green eyes darted to mine. "Harry...." I began. He turned his head completely towards me. "Who even are you?" I asked softly. I felt his hand on my left cheek. "I'm whoever you need me to be, darling" He smiled.


"This is crazy" I muttered under my breath. He shot straight up, and grabbed my hands "Remember what I told you?" I nodded slowly. "We met for a reason I promise and I know I haven't known you for even a day. But I know, honestly that you need to stay aro-" I cut him off.

"But Harry thats just it, I dont even know your last name, we can't do this, who even are you? I'm not one for jumping the gun, I'm in a strange country, with strange people, and I've kissed one of them! Don't you see how insane this really is?!" I was out of breath, I needed answers. I was fed up, hell I was scared. I didn't know this man. I could feel his intense gaze and it made my skin burn with delight.


"Styles, my favorite color is light purple, and maroon. I'm keen to the number 7, and I'm here on a photography quest."

It was my turn to blankly stare. Is he going on the same photography thing? He continued.

"Photography is my life, I've travelled all across the world to take pictures." I nodded. And sat up with him so we were criss-cross, across from eachother on the tiny couch.

"My full name is Piper Amora Sojourner, I'm an aspiring laywer, so cool right?, I like the number 3, and I'm also here for a photography."

"The same one?" He asked puzzled. "Uh possibly, I'm not quite sure."

"Why even is a 'laywer' doing photography?" His voice sounded off. But I ignored it. I didn't want to feed the thoughts that scared me.

"So what now?" I questioned, a peice of my red hair fell from behind my ear. Harry was quick to tuck it back in. This only made me more uncomfortable. He's acting like we're dating. But the name Harry Styles surely does suit him.

" Let's snuggle" He rasped out.

And with that he pushed me back down onto his chest with a thud and wrapped his arms tightly around my waist like he didn't want me to leave, which would have been cute, but in this situation is wasn't. I knew I couldn't leave until he was asleep so I wiggled my head further into his chest. His large hand on the small of my back, I shuddered as he rubbed tiny circles.

   A sigh of contentment left his plump lips. I could tell he was about to go to sleep. But I couldn't there were too many questions unanswered, my mind wouldn't shut down.


   I stirred and slowly got up. I looked down to see Harry fast asleep. I had to leave, this was insane. I don't even know this man and I've let him kiss me. Whore. my inner voice spoke up. I sighed and made my way to find my hotel room key and my coat. I saw them in the kitchen, the only sound was my feet padding softly on the hardwood.

I shiver at the cold atmosphere. Something about this whole thing had me on edge. I didn't like it, I needed to get out of here. It felt wrong leaving him, But I had too. This was too much, I mean maybe in a the future we could be together, but I havent even had time feel something for him. And I doubt he had feelings for me, I left him a note saying he could call me later, and that this was fun. It was all bullshit.

Once in the kitchen, I got myself a glass of water and put my coat on. The water helped calm me down, suddenly "Where do you think your going?" His voice barked, the glass left my hand and hit the floor.

BOOM. probably updating again today, vote, comment and love me. Bye lovesss

Much love,

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