Chapter 2

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 The sound of alarm clock pulled my out of my slumber, I rubbed my eyes and sat up. Unwilling to face the new day.  Suddenly my phone rang, I sprang up but tripped over my feet. Falling face first on my hardwood bedroom floors stole the remaining sleep I had in me. I glanced at the clock and a bright red  7:45am shone back at my drooping eyes, mocking me.  ''Damn-it!'' I yelped, I scramble to the phone. ''Hello?'' I spoke slowly through my teeth.

''Ah Piper! Yes this is J-Janice, and I apologize for not calling last night but, you don't have to show up for work today and we're gonna send over a driver for your assignment later tonight.'' Her clammy voice flowed through the receiver very quickly stuttering like a mess. I could picture her now, legs crossed, mouth full of bubble gum. Staring at her chipped magenta nails. I barely caught what she was saying due to how fast she said it.  To my luck she repeated what she'd say, just to make sure she'd gotten it right.   

''Tonight? I thought it was tomorrow..'' I trail off waiting for her answer, hoping for her to recite a explanation from my uncle.  I open my mouth but she cuts me off ''Ah Mr.Billford wishes to talk with you.'' I hear her slam the phone down, and fidget around then heavy breathing. Finally the voice of my uncle.

''Pip, sweetheart, see I messed up with the dates your flight is very later tonight, -well technicality tomorrow-'' he chuckles. There was a loud smacking sound on the end, which led me to raise my brows as more shuffling was heard. ''Tommy?'' I questioned. Only to be greeted with a small grunt then a very quick dismissal from the other line.

''So I presume you need time to pack so I'll let you go love, I'll call you later.'' and with the he hung up. I let out a loud sigh, and hung up as well. Suspicious of Janice, suspicious of this whole trip, suspicious of my floor. Frustrated I pulled at my hair and ventured into the bathroom to start my day. A shower, sweat pants, and four cups of coffee later I'm standing in front of my closet staring at my clothes, then looking a the empty neon orange suitcase. I turned on Lewis Watson and began to pack.

I finally had finished and inspected the folder that I was given yesterday from Tommy, it had a ticket to Stockholm, Sweden. 25,000 dollars in cash, and a house key. With a small note at the bottom explaining in the most vague way possible that I was basically moving there, till my task was complete.  I was still convinced that this was some sort of sick joke, that I really wasn't flying to Sweden for a project I knew nothing about.

A sudden knock on the door cause my to jump slightly. I moved from the couch to the door and glanced out the peephole in the door. A small plumb man stood behind my door dressed in a little drivers uniform. His impatient eyes raised from the door knob up to the peephole and squinted at me. ''Oh shit.'' I yelped and leaped back frightened by the small man  who gave me bad vibes.

''Ms. Sojourner? Its your driver.'' His American accent bombarded my ears. I did not want to keep him waiting. I opened my door and the small man pushed past me and went straight for my bags, that were bigger than he was. There was a tall figure walking towards my door, that I soon recognized as Xander. I greeted him with a shake and he greeted me with a hug mumbling on how much he was going to miss me.

His radiating smile widened once my eyes met his, which of course I returned. The tiny man demanded we go no or I would never make it through security. ''I'm riding with you.'' Xander spoke, one of his board shoulders nudged mine. ''That's so good! Thank you so much for keeping me company!''  I replied with all sincerity. He placed his hand on the small of my back and led me through the hallway, in the elevator, through the lobby and didn't let go till we arrived at the airport. It felt very unnatural and I did my best to get away but he'd always place his hand right back where it was and make me lean into him.

Once I saw my uncle I openly took the chance to free myself from Xander and go running to him. I didn't need to look back to know that Xander was frowning. But I didn't pay much attention to him as I inhaled the minty cigarette smell emitting from my uncle. ''I'm going to miss you Pippy.'' We exchanged goodbyes without any tears.

"Flight 237 to Stockholm Sweden, now boarding." The loud voice screeched over the worn out intercom. I gathered my thoughts and bags. Mouthing a final  'I love you' at my uncle,   I turned on my heels and strutted towards security. Hopefully to some change and a promise for my future with this dumb assignment. Honestly this better be worth it.

"C-12. Okay super easy." I whispered under my breath.  Apparently people just enjoy standing in my way, I had to push past a hefty woman. Only to receive a dirty glare and maybe a fart? After going up and down the narrow strip of tightly packed seats. I spotted seat C-12. A sigh of happiness left me, as I was finally about to get off my feet. Once done with shoving my carry-on into the animal sized campartment, I took my place near the window and as soon as I hit the hard seat, I fell into a deep sleep.  I was awoken by the shaking of the plane and the bump as it landed on the runway. My eyes swept over the landscape. God it was beautiful I never knew Sweden was this breathtaking.

  "Welcome to Stockholm" the pilot's voice spilled through the speakers. Still hazey I sat up, whiped the drool off my chin and frowned already liking air travel and my much needed sleep. Once standing up my back cracked so loud, I blushed as the young girl who sat next to me gazed up with worry "Is your back broken?" She softy asked. "Yes this is what happens when you do the adult." I laughed at my own joke, but the laugh slowly faded. Again she just stared, I sighed.

Tired, impatient, and cranky, I waddled over to the baggage only to be told that it was scheduled to be delivered.  I was just glad I didn't have to get my baggage  I got in line for a taxi. I cursed outloud once I saw the long line full of rude people who were to busy talking to noticed taxis were leaving with no one in them. . Which resulted in also so disapproving looks from some people. I just shrugged and contined to swear as I pushed through people. I felt bad I had no clue about or around this gorgeous city. All the sudden I felt as if I was being watched. I whipped my head around and scanned the entire waiting area. I didn't see anyone staring at me so I brushed it off and continued through the crowd.

 My bag hit numerous people  who I apologized to but in the end got swore at.  I rolled my hazel eyes at the rudeness of these people. After almost getting tripped, hit and eaten I finally made it to the front "Hell yeah, thats how you do it" I praised myself in a soft whisper.  I approached an open cab but was stopped when I heard a  deep chuckle  from behind me, "Wanna share a cab love?" I whipped my head around only to be met with deep green eyes and a smirk accompanied by two deep dimples.



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