Chapter 1

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It all kinda went to hell, a few years back. But I, Piper Sojouner, wouldn't have changed a damn thing. It starts off one faithful day in the real world, where reailty is a bitch and the air if full of emotional issues. I remember it vividly as if it happened two hours ago. And it sucks cause ill always remember it like that. I warily smile at the fond memories, and put pencil to paper.



I tugged my warm coat closer, 'fuck' I muttered, London weather was merciless this boring morning as I headed to my office. I was a proud intern at 'BILLFORD'S LAW-FIRM '. I was hoping today would be the day Mr. Billford, the companies emsteen owner, would get off his lazy ass, get his own goddamn coffee and hire me already.

As I passed the Secretary Janice, I held in a giggle as I saw her furiously typing away 'her hair.... is..uh steep today, good Janice here have a gold star' I laughed at my inner bitchy, scarcastic, voice. I wish I could make her into a person. Sigh.

I walked through the doors only to hear my bosses annoying shouting.



He met me with a fake frown and waved his finger at me, trying to scold me. I threw my head back and laughter ''Uncle Tommy, if you take my possible job away cause I'm late, then half- no about 68% of you're clientele would leave this fine establishment and I'm not even hired yet.'' I shot back, a lazy smirk placed itself on my face. He opened his mouth to rebut, however he accecpted his defeat and waved me off. Then went back to his paperwork but stopped and looked at me with his famous deep blue eyes. And gestured for me to sit down.

I plopped down onto his office couch and eyed him down, placed my hand under my chin '' Due tell me Uncle, am I correct that you said 'possible' job, I'm offended to the bitter bone, that you've not hired me yet'' I teased.

''Pip, I- Oh nevermind I've got work to do, just don't be late again. So get out, and I'll think about hiring you later'' He teased right back

''Well Mr. Billford, please hire me as soon as you possibly can, or can't that'd be gr-eight buddy'' I ruffled his graying hair and walked out of his office and into mine, and sadly like Janice began typing away.


As the hours passed by, my paper work dwindled and my hand hurt from taking calls, and if I had to say "Hello this is the Billford lawfirm please hold" I was gonna stab my eyes with these fancy ass company pens. I decided it'd be in the best interest of my limbs to take a small break. I swiveled around in my chair and listened to the phone ring. 'I NEED AN INTERN'' I shouted. Xander from the office down the hallway snorted ''Yeah, an intern for THE intern, might actually get some stuff done''. I shot him a death glare and made my way towards the exit. Xander quickly caught up, ''Hey Ms.Pippy where ya going?'' His charming very southern-Texas-accent filled my ears. ''Lunch'' I replied ''Well me too, so let me buy, you some lunch'' he smirked knowing I couldn't turn down food.

I shook my head thinking of all the sexy British women he probably gets with that accent. ''Whatcha thinking bout'?'' he questioned.

''You'' ''You charming ass southern gent' getting all these damn woman and getting shit for free, and whatnot cause..''' I trailed off ''Cause your just you'' He blushed, ''Why thank you, Ms.Pippy but I can assure you, I don't get shit for free, I just get all the women'' I playfully hit his arm.

''Shut up Xander and buy me some lunch''

''Sure thing Pippy'' As we walked into the small restaurant, which smelt amazing and made my mouth water. We were quickly seated, ordered and ate in a quick 30 minuets. Quite short but had plenty of playful banter. Once we arrived back at the office, everything was amess, papers everywhere, people running around. It was total and utter chaos. ''What in the devil is going on?'' Xander questioned a frantic co-worker. She looked utterly terrified. I furrowed my eyebrows getting even more confused.

''Mr.Billford has an assignment and one of us will be c-chosen'' she stutter out. The fear in those beaty eyes of hers, infuriated me. What was this a reality show?  Its not like we were a large popular firm either. My uncle could be intimidating yes, but not to this extent. My mouth fell open in shock, ''You've got to be kidding me, all this fuss over an assignment what are we seven?'' I shouted. My outburst caused everyone to stop and stare at me and Xander, who at this time was slowly inching away to symbolize this was all me. My confidence faltered a bit without him by my side and all the judging eye on me didn't help either. I focused back on the topic at hand and the reason for my yelling; screw him, ''Honestly, an assignment? You're all insane.'' Clapping could be heard from down the hallway and Uncle Tommy appeared. ''Good job Pip, you've got the job''  Everyone's eye enlarged and darted to the authoritative man standing in the center of the hallway.

''The job?'' I sputtered out.

''Yep the job, you're the only one who didn't freak out about the assignment '' he stated calmly. ''Well why would I? Its ridiculous!'' I threw my hands up for added effect. ''I'm glad you think that Pip, cause you're going on a Photography assignment''  A photography assignment? I shook my head and stumbled forward a bit ''Why? Does an intern at a law firm need to go on a photography assignment?'' I questioned.

''You'll find out'' He said with a knowing smirk;  as he handed me folder I presumed filled with all the information. I glanced down at it and saw the outline of what seemed to be a hearty amount of cash. my eyes flicked back up to my uncles, the eyes that were glowing with excitement and mischief. ''You leave in two days, get packing'' and with that he walked away. Everyone's mouth was wide open, even my own. We all stood there, papers on the floor, doors open, mouths agape for what seemed like ten minuets. Finally,  Xander suddenly spoke ''Alright now get back to work all of y'all ! Yeah she got some assignment , now stop gawking and get some shit-'' he was cut off by Uncle Tommy's voice booming from behind his closed office door. ''Language Xander!''

   Xander only blushed for a second, then lowered his voice ''As I was saying let get some stuff done!'' Everyone shuffled away and we continued with the day.  Once back in my office, in my beloved swivel chair, I did what I do best.  Analyze. So I made a list of facts.

1.) I leave in two days

2.) I do not know where I'm going

3.) I've never picked up a camera

4.) I'm screwed

I threw my purple pen down and rubbed my temples, glancing ever so often at the clock. Silently begging for it be to be 5:00pm so I could abandon my troubles and go get a bottle of wine and call it a night. Soon enough it was time for me to rid myself of these tight clothes and go home, I passed Xander on the way out of my office. ''Any plans Pip?'' he questioned. ''Yep I've got a hot date.'' His expression soured and he opened his mouth ''With who?'' his voice laced with disappointment as he followed me out to my car. Without speaking I opened the door and lowered myself into the drivers seat. I pulled down my sunglasses and peered up at Xander, ''A faithful man named alcohol.'' and shut the door. His once upset expression instantly perked up and turned into a charming dimpled smile. He shook his head at my as I drove away, eyes never leaving mine.   

I jammed my keys into my apartment door swearing at the multiple times I had to turn the fuckers ,once inside I threw my briefcase, petticoat and my glasses in one motion on the floor. Still walking I maneuvered my stockings off and chucked them at my lamp shade.  A sigh of pure relief came from my lips and I jumped on my bed, shut my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

Hey! first chapter of my new book! please vote, and comment and prepare yourself cause' i have SOOOOO much planned!

Much love,

-A xx

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